Augmented Chain training and when would you switch to casting now-a-days? 07/10/2021 02:44 PM CDT
Is it 50 or 60 armor use ranks now-a-days to be fully trained for augmented chain? I'm a lancer currently in augmented chain with 60 ranks of armor use, but I can't remember why I put 60 ranks into the skill when everything I can find says that 50 ranks is enough.

At what level do most people make the switch from physical to casting bards? What are the critical skills? I thought I'd wait until mid 70's and I could have enough manipulation lore for the single target boost to 1030, but I'm wondering how necessary it is at that point? I'm about to start hunting pyrothags, and I know they are a bard favorite - not sure if I want to go in singing at them or swinging at them.
Re: Augmented Chain training and when would you switch to casting now-a-days? 07/10/2021 03:26 PM CDT
>> Is it 50 or 60 armor use ranks now-a-days to be fully trained for augmented chain? I'm a lancer currently in augmented chain with 60 ranks of armor use, but I can't remember why I put 60 ranks into the skill when everything I can find says that 50 ranks is enough.

50 ranks will minimize your RT and Bard spell hinderance. It used to be common knowledge that you needed 60 ranks to train off the Maneuver penalty but then a NIR spilled the beans and that is no longer a thing.

Be sure to rub a smooth stone prior to donning your armor for additional perks.

-- Robert

>> A mongrel kobold points at you and yells, "Mine! Chasin!"
Re: Augmented Chain training and when would you switch to casting now-a-days? 07/10/2021 07:46 PM CDT

Thanks for clarifying about the armor training! Those points will go to good use!