Enhancives are generally made of gems and precious or magical metals. Purification Song being activated by a certain skill and training level (such as 50 to start with 50 ranks of Bard and X amount of related lore, whatever else..) or as a 1050 slot would purify the magical and resonant characteristics of the gem and metals, similar to the way it helps improve quality for the sales of found gems. Similarly, there would carry a risk of destroying a trinket and in my eyes this spell would be difficult to apply to armor or weapons. It would be tailored for worn enhancives.
Bardgalore sings a delicate ditty with a marvelously complex fest of zing and musicality while focusing on a silky wisp of magical energy between him and his uncut emerald set ora bracelet. The uncut emerald set ora bracelet sparkles majestically
as a globular glowing pulse surrounds it, warbling with a radiant aura of rainbow hues.
Bravo-- +1 to the attributes of the bracelet! Instead of +4 to Skill Bonus of Edged Weapons it is +5 and +2 Perception Ranks is now +3 Perception Ranks. It would make sense to draw a slight bit more power from the charges for each increase. The amount a trinket can be raised would imaginably be related to the skill, experience and stats of the Bard. I would imagine a +10 for a 100th level master of the skills would be quite a lot.
This would give Bards the same kind of professional trait as a Sorcerer or Wizard. It would give the adventurer some room for expansion. Let's face it, the world of enhancives, super-enchantability now with all the weighted/enhancive/10x capable items has not exactly made the hunting any easier. My characters probably die more now than ever before. I don't feel it would be an imbalance issue. It might be sensible to make a limit on how many enhancives can be worn without cancelling the effects of them so that we won't see a +10 Strength bonus on every item worn, so wearing three or more Bard purified enhancives would randomly activate only 2 of them at a time, even if differing Bards did the Purification.
In my eyes it's a winna winna monkey meat dinna!
Dragons r Real