Loresong Minimum Verses Update 10/12/2021 08:45 PM CDT
Hello Bards!

We've decided to raise the minimum loresong verses to 4 for all items. Prior to this change, some items would finish after the 2nd verse was sung. This will no longer be the case.

As the game has evolved over the years, the ability to add new properties to existing items has expanded. The loresong system is then updated to reveal these properties. As most of these newer properties reveal themselves in the 3rd and 4th verses, it has created an issue for items that would have otherwise only had a 2 verse loresong and fail to reach the later verses.

Initially we were addressing a bug that prevented loresongs from being marked 'complete' properly when an item has had properties added to it. As an example, simply singing to an item and unlocking its loresong (temporarily or permanently) would add a property to the item that wasn't being reflected upon future loresongs.

By standardizing all loresongs to a minimum of four verses, we'll be able to address some of the existing issues and help prevent future issues as well.

For items that have no new information to disclose, verse 3 will return the message "You sense nothing unusual about the (item)." and verse 4 will return the message "You feel that you have reached the end of the (item)'s song."

No changes have been made to items with custom loresongs, including those that go beyond 4 verses.

> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

This message was originally posted in Professions, Bard. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
