RECALL Update 12/09/2020 02:07 PM CST
RECALL (the verb available once an item's loresong has been unlocked) has been updated to just output the item properties with no roundtime. In addition, you can also use RECALL <item> LORESONG to get the full loresong (the previous output).

For loresong unlocking, the item difficulty is now explicitly stated. In addition, there was previously a bug in the intended maximum difficulty that is now fixed. The maximum difficulty of any item is 515. This gives a bard at level 100, 100 spellsong ranks, 100 ranks of MIU, EMC, MMC, 25 ranks of Telepathy, and Aura and Influence bonus of 25 each, at least a 10% chance to unlock any item.

GameMaster Estild

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