Loresong speaks thief-lingo for lock sizes 04/14/2020 09:08 PM CDT
Hey Folks!

This is a bard-flavored follow-up to my previous announcement: http://forums.play.net/forums/19/330/3380/view/620

Loresinging to a box to determine lock size will now also include "thief-lingo" numbers next to the existing lock size flavor text. These numbers represent the range of lock sizes that the flavor text has revealed to you. You no longer need to look at a table to translate between flavor text and thief-lingo!

Go forth and revel in your newly utilized bardic knowledge.

> Meraki – Greek Word of the day – Doing something with love, passion, and a lot of soul. It is what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work.

This message was originally posted in Professions, Bard. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
