Enchant (925) Updates 05/18/2019 12:12 AM CDT
Hello, folks!

I have some updates to share with you on what we've been working on with the new Enchant spell that we released a couple of weeks ago. The team put a lot of collective effort into discussing the feedback we've received and these updates should help to make for a smoother transition into using the new spell.

First, I've resolved some general issues that were reported about the new spell.

Successful casts of the new Enchant spell now award experience based on how much essence you have spent; the top end of this is a bit under 1000 experience scaling down to zero.

There were some situation where the bonus of shields was incorrectly including the base +20 bonus which shields inherently provide which should now be resolved.

We've been working on some changes with how scripted item difficulty is determined to be more consistent going forward and the Enchant spell has been updated to implement these changes. You may find the difficulty to enchant some scripted items has increased as a result.

Second, we spent a lot of time discussing the various aspects of transitioning from the old enchanting system to the new Enchant spell. The goal is to have players move over to using the new spell while letting the old system stroll off into the sunset with dignity.

That said, we understand that players have dedicated considerable effort by infusing mana into temper potions and planning long term projects and we absolutely do not want to invalidate those efforts.

To address this, wizards will have the choice to either continue using the old enchanting system for up to one additional year (until MAY 18 2020) to have the opportunity to make use of infused potions and the like. If this is not desirable, the wizard may opt out of old enchanting system extension by completing an enchantment using the new spell. Wizards will accumulate essence for enchanting normally regardless of their choice.

Any enchantments a player may have completed with the new spell before the release of these updates will not count for these purposes. The first successful cast of the new Enchant spell will opt the player out of using the old enchanting system. There is a prominent warning about this when you CHANNEL the spell about this that will require you to CHANNEL the spell a second time to confirm the action.

For Wizards who do opt in to using the new Enchant spell, the option to trade in potions (either those for projects beyond 7x or the elemental pre-temper potions) or to drink infused potions to gain some essence will still be available in the very near future in the same capacity as originally released.

NOTE: Elemental pre-temper potions (zorveneh, gorveneh, rhiveneh, draveneh) should NOT be poured on items for use with the new Enchant spell. This was supported before these updates but going forward these potions must be traded in for potions intended for use with the new spell.

NOTE: Trading in high-tier temper and pre-temper potions and drinking infused potions is NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. Drinking temper potions will not reduce doses until this feature goes live, so there should be no fear of unintentionally doing so. I expect to wrap up these features over the upcoming weekend and release them as soon as possible.

Finally, we spent a lot of time discussing approaches to bring warrior mages back into the enchanting fold.

Wizards will find that slaying a creature of an appropriate level will contribute to the total mana spent against that creature as if they had spent mana casting spells. The amount is dependent on the relative level of the creature to the player. Mana spent casting offensive spells at these same creatures will contribute to the total mana spent against that creature as a bonus on top of the contribution for slaying the creature. If the player's contribution to killing a particular creature is less than half of all player contribution to that kill there is only a chance that the kill will be eligible in this manner.

Note that all other aspects of gaining essence continue to function as originally described. The mana spent generates some amount of static essence and some of that static essence is absorbed as essence for enchanting on a mana pulse.

Thank you for your patience as we work to make this update to enchanting something we can all appreciate and enjoy.


This message was originally posted in Professions, Wizard. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
