A bag I purchased from Can't Contain It has mysteriously shrunken in size, from significant (when I purchased it) to slightly large (currently). Since purchasing it I have had it unlocked and (maybe) deepened.
At purchase:
>inspect knapsack
You carefully inspect a sandy canvas knapsack with leather straps.
You estimate that a sandy canvas knapsack with leather straps can store a significant amount (100-119 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the knapsack on your back. The knapsack appears to serve some purpose.
>buy rucksack
A sales clerk accepts your note and gives you a new one.
A sales clerk makes a quick trip to a back storage area and returns with a bulky canvas rucksack with riveted black leather trim. Handing it to you carefully, a sales clerk says, "Here's your rucksack. Hope you enjoy it."
>analyze my ruck
You analyze your canvas rucksack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This canvas rucksack allows you to OPEN, CLOSE, PUSH, and REMOVE it discreetly. It could be further unlocked.
Any alteration must keep in mind that the messaging involves a flap over the rucksack's opening.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the canvas rucksack for you or have its pockets deepened.
>inspect ruck
You carefully inspect your canvas rucksack.
You estimate that a bulky canvas rucksack with riveted black leather trim can store a slightly large amount (40-49 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the rucksack on your back. The rucksack appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.
>analyze ruck
You analyze your canvas rucksack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This canvas rucksack allows you to OPEN, CLOSE, PUSH, REMOVE, PULL, GLANCE at the rucksack, as well as PUT items inside and GET them back out vigilantly. It is fully unlocked.
Any alteration must keep in mind that the messaging involves a flap over the rucksack's opening.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the canvas rucksack for you or have its pockets deepened.
Re: Can't Contain it Bag Size Bug
05/28/2015 05:39 PM CDT
>inspect knapsack
>You carefully inspect a sandy canvas knapsack with leather straps.
>buy rucksack
You purchased a different item than you inspected.
Re: Can't Contain it Bag Size Bug
05/28/2015 07:47 PM CDT
I realized this after posting, was just too quick to copy from the logs, its the same bag (and the rucksacks have the same size anyway)....
>inspect rucksack
You carefully inspect a bulky canvas rucksack with riveted black leather trim.
You estimate that a bulky canvas rucksack with riveted black leather trim can store a significant amount (100-119 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the rucksack on your back. The rucksack appears to serve some purpose.
>inspect rucksack
You carefully inspect a bulky canvas rucksack with riveted black leather trim.
You estimate that a bulky canvas rucksack with riveted black leather trim can store a significant amount (100-119 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the rucksack on your back. The rucksack appears to serve some purpose.
Re: Can't Contain it Bag Size Bug
09/16/2018 10:38 PM CDT
i have a character that has all of the containers from this shop with the discret stowing/opening/closing but i am unable to get them unlocked from anyone . its been 4 or more years and still no merchants will unlock them . Any chance this can happen at EG this year or maybe Xeria or even have the Spitfire come back