signature verb targets 12/25/2017 10:23 AM CST
So I purchased a targeted verb thinking it would actually work on objects and NPCs, but it doesn't seem to. It only seems to work on other players. It's not very specific on the service list's READ about what can work as a target, in fact it says "object or player". I'm assuming now that "object or player" acts more like an "exclusive or" in that it's exactly one or the other and never both? If that's the case, then the list probably should explicitly say that.

So now I have purchased a pretty much useless verb for me as I didn't really intend on using it on players that often. It would be nice if the list specified exactly what is allowable for targets.
Re: signature verb targets 12/25/2017 12:59 PM CST
I'll see about getting something added to the sign to indicate T-P (Targetted player) or T-O (Targetted object). In the meantime, in the displayed verb, if you see a playername (yours) in there, it's a player-targetted version. Or, it will show an object target.

For instance:

#22: [snicker (T)] - You concentrate on a service list, quietly snickering. Your snicker develops into a chortle, then quickly grows into a full-blown, maniacal cackle!

That one is a targetted object.

#18: [cry (T)] - You glance at Haliste as a single tear rolls down your cheek.

That one is a targetted player.

~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
SGM, Events

Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.
Re: signature verb targets 12/28/2017 03:39 PM CST
I have made some adjustments to the display on the targetted verbs - you should now see if it's a player target or object target.

~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
SGM, Events

Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.