CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 12:14 AM CST
Most of our popular items in the SimuCoin Store will be 50% off! Instead of "haste" deals this year, everything on sale will be discounted all day, starting at approximately 1am ET on Monday and ending at 1am ET on Tuesday.

Sale starts in roughly 24 hours from this post!

Wyrom, PM
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 04:14 AM CST

Will the GoA be something that is part of the sale again?
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 09:13 AM CST
Two questions:
- does that include SC bundles themselves?
(I really doubt it... :)

- any chance of event-ticket books [DR, NATA, DM, SA, DSD, whatever] being available, so folks could stock up now?
(This one I could possibly see happening.)
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 09:58 AM CST
Thank you for dropping the "haste" sales...and thank you for giving us the 24 hour's head's up!
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 10:07 AM CST

Will definitely drop a bundle if GoA’s are on sale. My sub is almost up and Christmas is here!
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 12:38 PM CST
Only the store items are game specific. SimuCoins will not be on sale. If GoAs are on sale, it will likely only be for a brief window. It's not something I approve.

Wyrom, PM
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/25/2018 09:21 PM CST
So, yeah, I would totally buy some game-specific DR ticket books for half price...
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/27/2018 01:08 PM CST
Looks like the quest nexus orbs didn't go on sale yesterday. Had a similar issue with Reim orbs too, but it was corrected promptly. I'm going to be putting the quest orbs on sale for the rest of the week to make up for the oopsie.

Wyrom, PM
Re: CYBER MONDAY SALE 11/27/2018 01:39 PM CST
I'm ready for All of Cyber Monday to be on sale all week because my yesterday went sooooo sideways. :(

;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"

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