Duskruin Unlock Question 08/25/2017 09:53 PM CDT
I'm looking to see if there is an unlock cert at duskruin for the "cross-woven blackened leather harness", which was sold at Midsummer Night's Festival (Cid Harness I believe). It's listed as climateware on the wiki for some reason. Anyone know anything about this? Or is it the same as the pirate bandolier

I'm looking at the certs in Mar and Scar but can't figure if any of those are correct.

I also would like to unlock my Pelt Bag. The "riveted thick leather knapsack" which says that it is unlocked "but not fully unlocked". would I want the T1 to T2 cert?

Thanks to anyone who can shed light on either of these things for me!!
Re: Duskruin Unlock Question 08/25/2017 10:03 PM CDT

Re: Duskruin Unlock Question 08/25/2017 10:30 PM CDT
>>I also would like to unlock my Pelt Bag. The "riveted thick leather knapsack" which says that it is unlocked "but not fully unlocked". would I want the T1 to T2 cert?

That should be it, yeah. If it was T0, it would just say it was locked, if memory serves correctly.

I also didn't buy that harness, but the others there are definitely the T0 harnesses like that, so it likely would be, as well.

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Wyrom gestures at you, causing you to explode.