Necro Rings
02/13/2022 09:15 PM CST
Necro Rings with the Lich's curse stopped working about 2 weeks ago. Maybe a bit before that. Took me a while to realize it wasn't giving the boss LTE killing the bosses should give (implying it no longer spawns bosses for some reason).
I tried this with two different rings on two different characters, both with maxed Lich's curse.
But, speaking of LTE, how about adding a feature during Rumor Woods that can accelerate LTE absorption. I'm over 250k LTE and could easily be a million since (until the ring stopped spawning bosses), I've started hunting exclusively with the ring on. So much fun! yes, I die about once a day this way cf. dining once-a-pretty-much-never not having the ring on. But it's a blast! Thank you to the designers!