Spell Rune/Spell Knowledge Enhancives 03/19/2014 10:50 PM CDT
Question on the spell selection. They all seem to be 3-7x daily. At RtCF these were the self-charging rune tattoos, and the offensive and defensive item creation options. It's my understanding all the same spells are available except 1109.

Do we get the option of an item or a rune tattoo then? These seem the same as RtCF, but outside of the kind of hidden 1109 comment it's not highly detailed.

Re: Spell Rune/Spell Knowledge Enhancives 03/20/2014 12:27 AM CDT

X/Day Rune Tattoos (List similar to the rune tattoos from RtCF) Quantity: 5
Enhancive Spell Knowledge (Spells 606, 211, 1606, 513, 1612) Quantity: 5

Two separate things. Spell knowledge spells are clearly stated I think. Spells 606, 211, 1606, 513, 1612

Rune tattoo seems to be everything BUT 1109. Kinda a shame, as that was the best I think.
Re: Spell Rune/Spell Knowledge Enhancives 03/20/2014 02:50 AM CDT
The information provided is basically correct. Self-mana item list was the same as the per-day from RtCF, except Haste. Rune tattoo list is the same except Empathic Focus; there are 5x, 4x, and 3x per day rune invocations in the GSGuide breakdown. Self-knowledge is a small unique list, with some cool inclusion of two paladin spells not in standard hopper items.

If you're missing the link, please visit: http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Return_to_Coraesine_Field_Merchant_Services for the full list for self-mana (formerly per-day magic items broken into offensive and defensive) and rune tattoos (note double drop menu...list is huge!)

>Rune tattoo seems to be everything BUT 1109. Kinda a shame, as that was the best I think.

It's not really a shame to be honest. When the list is like 50 spells and everyone but empaths choose the same spell, something is imbalanced. Besides, from last year and up to now, Empathic Focus is not my top choice. If removing it means less people want rune tattoos, so much the better I say!

~daid (player of the temporally-challenged Harvest-Moon clan)