My run 03/30/2013 04:18 PM CDT
I had a very good time in the castle last night, and went with a super nice group of folks. We made it to T4, I'm very happy with my prize, and I intend to run again when I can. I know from another thread that the private runs are coming after all the pesky bugs are worked out, but I'd like to make a suggestion for other future puzzley quests...

If the bugs can get squashed ahead of time, I would like to see private runs come first, followed by the public runs... Or private and public released at the same time. This is because, although I surely benefited from some of my co-runners' prior knowledge of some puzzle solutions, I actually would prefer to (attempt to) work out the puzzles on my own. It's totally understandable that a group would be really motivated by the prizes and therefore would power through as fast as possible, but I missed out on a huge swathe of the quest because we had some folks who had been through a time or two before and just pushed forward with me in tow.

All that aside, again, I had a really nice time and my thanks to Vanah for watching out for us!

Re: My run 03/30/2013 04:32 PM CDT
<<<I missed out on a huge swathe of the quest because we had some folks who had been through a time or two before and just pushed forward with me in tow.>>>

That's my biggest fear about waiting around for later runs. I really, really don't want to just race through the quest because someone else already knows how to solve all the puzzles. That would feel like wasted money, to me. I'd much rather savor the quest and enjoy the experience. I was really lucky to have a great group of like-minded folks last time. Granted, it would have been even more fun if hadn't gotten stuck in a couple spots. If we'd had somebody in the group who could nudge us in the right direction, rather than just solve all the puzzles, that would have been perfect. I have a feeling most are too focused on the prizes to wait around like that, however.

Oh, well. It is what it is. I'm still looking forward to having another go!

~ Heathyr and friends