New Prize? 09/11/2012 02:58 AM CDT
Would it be possible to add an attuned fountain of youth/age potion to the list?

I'd like to drop a few years as not liking the next set of age range descriptions. Otherwise, guess a feature alter would cover it up.
Re: New Prize? 09/11/2012 07:38 AM CDT
Age reset potions would be awesome. I have a character I set to 1500 when age no longer became tied to levels back when I was a younger moron and it makes me a sad panda.

Player of Septimius
Re: New Prize? 09/11/2012 04:24 PM CDT
'Back in the Day' story-alert!

It was always funny to me when HP (Heartpierced) paid a fortune for one of the age resetting potions that came up for auction and would bounce around like a kid. Being the time period, there was always someone of middle-ish levels coming up to HS and looking to start something among the regulars. Of course, since this was when levels equaled age... and HP looked to be in his 20's.. He was usually the person to get picked on the most. The surprise was priceless when they realized they were attempting to attack a primarily combat-trained bard over level 100.


Re: New Prize? 09/13/2012 12:17 PM CDT
<farmer's post>

Those were indeed good times.
