auto run mini quests like the academy 08/22/2012 09:07 PM CDT

I am going to toss this out there just as a thought, as I too think this event is close to being able to run without a GM dedicating all there time overseeing it, if any.

IF that becomes the case, change two things.. Make the event during the week based on Gemstone Coin, not actual cash offer 3 runs one early eve one at night, one early am. charge 20k in coin or whatever you see fit and automate it. Then on the weekends, have whatever scheduled time you wish and a paid quests at the current price, make a moderate increase in either the prize tier, or the number of charges prizes contain. Have those weekend events fully monitored by a GM.

Why? this would allow folks with ample coin to spend the week participating and offering some way to learn about the quest without it costing actual dollars. It means a gm still has to watch during the week but not be entirely dedicated to it. Customers then would be much more apt to pay to try an do it on the weekends when its both easier to monitor and Simu can fill all there empty slots, after having some exposure during the week.

This also opens up the door for other type quests that can be done the same way that dont even need to offer prizes like that, but just offer exp. This would remove alot of the pressure for new capped hunting grounds. Then Simu can offer paid events that will sell out with prizes on any number of concepts.
Re: auto run mini quests like the academy 08/22/2012 09:28 PM CDT
Simutronics doesn't make money off people spending in game currency.

That is the only answer you should need.

Re: auto run mini quests like the academy 08/22/2012 10:19 PM CDT

True enough, but the concept of supply an demand still applies. Something that might increase the demand on the weekends that will make money could outweigh the lack of interest during the week.

Its kinda of like a loss-lead, you give it away on the slow days when it cost you little an gain the revenue back on the weekends when you have a greater interest from you customers.

I am waiting for the day when the folks that sell Online services recognize, there in the business of selling intangibles.. its the same exact concepts that the hospitality industry deals with and learned there lesson in the 80s.
Re: auto run mini quests like the academy 08/22/2012 10:26 PM CDT
>True enough, but the concept of supply an demand still applies. Something that might increase the demand on the weekends that will make money could outweigh the lack of interest during the week. Its kinda of like a loss-lead, you give it away on the slow days when it cost you little an gain the revenue back on the weekends when you have a greater interest from you customers.

This is not how Simutronics has operated in the past and I doubt it ever will in the future. "Cash in hand" will always trump "what could be".

>I am waiting for the day when the folks that sell Online services recognize, there in the business of selling intangibles

GS itself is an intangible. They're already selling a product that doesn't really exist and has no actual, tangible value outside of itself. I don't believe there's any inclination for them, as a company, to be interested in intangibles for an intangible. Now, goodwill that doesn't cost them anything at all (see GMs), they're all for.
