Partial Problem with E-scape 05/16/2016 02:43 PM CDT

Does anyone know why some characters won't completely log in using escape. I have 3 PC's that can't seem to completely log in when using escape. It appears that they enter the game but I don't get a game window for them.

Thank You.
Re: Partial Problem with E-scape 05/16/2016 10:33 PM CDT
I recall seeing a recent post from Simu-Myke over on the Simutronics forums. If I recall right, something to do with saving info on the Simu server and the player having a lot of customized string highlights.

Does that sound like your situation? If so, and you can log in at least once with SF, you can probably drop some of the highlights. Not sure if moving the information from server-side to local is in your best interest, since the only reason I can see for using e-scape is if you don't own the system you're gaming from.

If it does sound like your situation, but you have no other recourse, I'd suggest bouncing over to the Simu forums and asking Myke to help you clean up your strings.
