A burdensome question 05/03/2017 10:22 AM CDT
Is encumbrance on the table as something that might be removed from the enchanting success factors?

My guess is that it is there at present because it was already there when the spell was updated. But if I look at 735 (which is NOT the same spell but I think a fair comparison in this regard) I note that encumbrance was not factored into the success equation.

So if things are good as they are, what would be the game logic for continuing to have encumbrance impact enchanting success chances but not ensorcell? Seems like a nice quality of life opportunity for wizards by removing this from the equation.

I also seem to think that encumbrance plays a role in charge item success as well but I could be mistaken there (I'll need to test it out more since I normally just avoid being encumbered much when charging items).

Food for thought on a travel day.

-- Robert
Re: A burdensome question 05/23/2017 01:00 AM CDT

+1 on this. It seems like an easy thing to implement and basically it just seems like an annoying meaningless thing right now. The only benefit I see from Simu side is making Premium lockers more attractive via annoyance, but I doubt that's the thinking here. (And I hope it's not- not because premium shouldn't be attractive, but not through removing tedium.)