940 - Elemental Carnage 03/09/2017 12:15 PM CST
Duration 33 seconds
Cooldown period: None
Self cast only

Requires lores and EMC to aid in boosts
Functions with CHANNELed bolts only
Excluded spells: 901, 907, 908, 1710 and 518
Does not work with Rapid Fire or Core Tap

Elemental Carnage
A wizard draws upon his elemental lore knowledge and elemental mana control to empower bolt spells. By taking time to CHANNEL bolts, the wizard can focus extra elemental power into each bolt. With proper elemental lore training and better knowledge of elemental mana control, a wizard can also boost their bolt AS, plus reduce EBP. A CHANNELed bolt will be charged with explosive elemental power that can deliver extra critical damage to a target with proper training.

+1 AS every EMC/8 (capped at +25 at 200 ranks)
+1 AS every EL/8 (capped at +25 at 200 ranks)
EBP reduced by 1% every 5 ranks EMC (capped 40% at 200 ranks)
EBP reduced by 1% every 10 ranks EL (capped 20% at 200 ranks)

Bolt spells crit power are increased by elemental lore ranks. Every 5 points earned through EL ranks = +.1 crit weight added to the bolt. Below lists how each lore benefits each bolt. Max achievable crit rank is 4
every EL:E rank = 1 for 904 & 510
every EL:E rank = .5 for 906, 903
every EL:E rank = .25 for 505 and 910

every EL:A rank = 1 for 505 & 910
every EL:A rank = .5 for 903 & 906
every EL:A rank = .25 for 904 & 510

every EL:W rank = 1 for 903, 904 & 910
every EL:W rank = .5 for 505 & 510
every EL:W rank = .25 for 906

every EL:F rank = 1 for 906
every EL:F rank = .5 for 505 and 510
every EL:F rank = .25 for 903, 904 and 910

Every EMC rank /2 = 1% chance for a CHANNELed bolt to flare a crit cycle. Crit cycles also benefit from crit weighting added to bolts.
Also, if the first crit cycle triggers every 20 ranks EL gives +5% for a second crit cycle (capped at 50% for 1 additional crit cycle at 200 ranks of EL)
EMC ranks % chance to flare
2 1%
4 2%
6 3%
... ...
50 25%
52 26%
54 27%
... ...
100 50%
102 51%
104 52%
... ...
196 98%
198 99%
200 100%

My current wizard when he levels soon:
EMC ranks = 100
EL ranks = 134 (all EL:E)

100 EMC = 50% chance for 1st crit cycle
134 EL = 30% for a second crit cycle to trigger if the first crit cycle triggered
+28 AS (100 EMC/8 + 134 EL/8)
EBP reduced by 33% (100 EMC/5 + 134 EL/10)

Bolt spells when CHANNELed will have extra crit weighting based on known lore type and ranks
Bolt Lore bonus Crit weighting
903 EL:E=(134/2) +1.3
904 EL:E=134 +2.6
505 EL:E=(134/4) +.6
906 EL:E=(134/2) +1.3
910 EL:E=(134/4) +.6
510 EL:E=134 +2.6

As you can see. Even a wizard that's focused on a single lore, he'd still gain some crit weigting benefits to other bolts, not just 904 and 510 that are tied to EL:E.

The way I see it, it would be a spell used a handful of times during a hunting session. Keeping it going constantly will eat through your mana fast. With at least 1x in EMC and lores by cap, you will have some decent crit weighting added to bolts on top of the fact that they can generate a crit cycle or two(dependent on your EMC and/or EL ranks)....also the fact that you're CHANNELing a bolt, so you've increased your chance to strike a more vital area. Plus, you get a boost to bolt AS while the spell is active and a decent EBP pushdown.

As much as I dislike CHANNEL tied to bolts, I don't think they'll budge on removing it and they probably feel this is a good as things need to be if we want to "aim" our bolts. I wouldn't mind making use of CHANNEL if it became a lot more functional when used with a spell like this.

If my wizard had 940 active, this would be a possible result:
>prep 510
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Hurl Boulder...
Your spell is ready.
>channel warrior
You channel at a minotaur warrior.
You hurl a large boulder at a minotaur warrior!
AS: +442 vs DS: +245 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +93 = +294
... and hit for 150 points of damage!
Left leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
His hooves desperately flailing against the floor, the minotaur warrior topples backward into a heap.
A powerful blast of elemental engery explodes from the large boulder!
... 50 points of damage!
Right leg collapses as the bones turn to dust!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

If you get a wizard well past cap and they've done 200 ranks EMC and 200 ranks Lore, they get a guaranteed crit cycle on a bolt spell plus a good chance for a 2nd crit cycle. Not to mention +50 bolt AS and 60% EBP push down. Sounds good to me, but I'm not there yet with my wizard so I could be way off.

Enough? Not enough? Too much? Too complicated?

-Drumpel (bored at work - slow work week)
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/09/2017 01:52 PM CST
>>Enough? Not enough? Too much? Too complicated?

Erm. . . hmm. I think I like it, but I'm going to need a bit of time (and a libation or three!) before I'll know whether or not I think it's too complicated. You've woven together a number of concepts - I'll want to think on this.

Good write-up to work from!

Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/09/2017 10:59 PM CST
Sounds great to me but I'd like a slight longer duration. 90 seconds at least.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/09/2017 11:20 PM CST
I still don't feel like it delivers what I'm looking for with a level 40 duration spell. Look at 240, which is free mana/massive boost on top of double strike, combined with 1% fumble failure warding system and spells that achieve fatal rank crits on a near guaranteed basis with sufficient warding margin, and you'll see why I'm constantly underwhelmed by the options wizards have in comparison. I'd still want a single-target 950 type spell with no cooldown that works only on single targets, or a slew of bolts style single cast booster that achieves the same effect.

Also, I really don't like tying the effectiveness of each individual bolt to each individual lore. DF past a certain point is irrelevant due to the capped damage from bolts, and most people don't necessarily dump most or all of one lore on their primary bolt of choice. The way the ELR set it up, many people are forced to pick up other lores for various purposes since lores are tied to function than actual elemental flavor.
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 11:41 AM CST
940: Super Angry Enraged Familiar

<copy & paste 240>

~ Methais
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 12:02 PM CST
Ya know, I gotta say - of all the 240 comparison discussions this one oddly makes me happy.

The wizard has to have a familiar, the familiar becomes 'cerulean hued', and the elements surge from around the familiar to 'recast' ala' 240.

The lore benefit portion might be tricky - unless we're suggesting wizards train in SL:S (joke, I keeed! Sheesh!)

Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 12:54 PM CST
>940: Super Angry Enraged Familiar

><copy & paste 240>

I like this! :D
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 12:54 PM CST
>940: Super Angry Enraged Familiar

><copy & paste 240>

I like this! :D
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 01:47 PM CST
>>Enough? Not enough? Too much? Too complicated?

I have decided I like this, too - it isn't really overly complicated, and it has great potential.

I think the only comment I will make at this time is:

The crit weighting benefit, capped at 4 crit levels, should be applied after crit randomization has been determined.

Programatically, though - that might be a bear to code.

Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 03:43 PM CST
The crit weighting benefit, capped at 4 crit levels, should be applied after crit randomization has been determined.
Programatically, though - that might be a bear to code.

Yes, that would be nice if that were the case. Have the addition of the crit weighting on the bolts added to the end result after the crit randomization. If crit randomization drops your bolt to a rank 5, if your bolt adds +2 crit ranks, it would shift to a rank 7. Depending on the damage done and where you hit, this could be a kill shot or at the very least, added damage from the higher crit rank.

>Also, I really don't like tying the effectiveness of each individual bolt to each individual lore. DF past a certain point is irrelevant due to the capped damage from bolts, and most people don't necessarily dump most or all of one lore on their primary bolt of choice. The way the ELR set it up, many people are forced to pick up other lores for various purposes since lores are tied to function than actual elemental flavor.

I had just used my wizard as an example since that's who I play.

Let's say we take my wizard, but he has a less awkward lore training path. We'll say he wants to make a little use of EL:W for the mana storing on spell 925 - 26 ranks puts him to step 4 on seed 5. We'll also say he has a minimum 20 ranks for Tonis Bolt in EL:A. We'll say 52 ranks EL:E for some earth lore benefits and the rest in EL:F

EL:A = 20
EL:E = 52
EL:F = 36
EL:W = 26
Total = 134 ranks total

The bolts would come out as such:

Bolt spells when CHANNELed will have extra crit weighting based on known lore type and ranks
Bolt Lore bonus Crit weighting
903 EL:A=(20/2) + EL:E=(52/2) + EL:F=(36/4) + EL:W=26 +1.4
904 EL:A=(20/4) + EL:E=52 + EL:F=(36/4) + EL:W=26 +1.5
505 EL:A=20 + EL:E=(52/4) + EL:F=(36/2) + EL:W=(26/4) +1.1
906 EL:A=(20/2) + EL:E=(52/2) + EL:F=36 + EL:W=(26/4) +1.5
910 EL:A=20 + EL:E=(52/4) + EL:F=(36/4) + EL:W=26 +1.3
510 EL:A=(20/4) + EL:E=52 + EL:F=(36/2) + EL:W=(26/2) +1.7

The above one is ugly, but probably something more in line with how other wizards may be training in their lores....?

>DF past a certain point is irrelevant due to the capped damage from bolts, and most people don't necessarily dump most or all of one lore on their primary bolt of choice.

Or maybe a wizard that's split 50 all the way across:
EL:A = 50
EL:E = 50
EL:F = 50
EL:W = 50
Bolt Lore bonus Crit weighting
903 EL:A=(50/2) + EL:E=(50/2) + EL:F=(50/4) + EL:W=50 +2.2
904 EL:A=(50/4) + EL:E=50 + EL:F=(50/4) + EL:W=50 +2.5
505 EL:A=50 + EL:E=(50/4) + EL:F=(50/2) + EL:W=(50/4) +2
906 EL:A=(50/2) + EL:E=(50/2) + EL:F=50 + EL:W=(50/4) +2.2
910 EL:A=50 + EL:E=(50/4) + EL:F=(50/4) + EL:W=50 +2.5
510 EL:A=(50/4) + EL:E=50 + EL:F=(50/2) + EL:W=(50/2) +2.2

Or maybe you have a wizard that decided to split 200 lores equal between EL:A and EL:F
Bolt Lore bonus Crit weighting
903 EL:A=(100/2) + EL:F=(100/4) +1.5
904 EL:A=(100/4) + EL:F=(100/4) +1
505 EL:A=100 + EL:F=(100/2) +3
906 EL:A=(100/2) + EL:F=(100/4) +3
910 EL:A=100 + EL:F=100 +2.5
510 EL:A=(100/4) + EL:F=(100/2) +1.5

With crit randomization it does kind of kick you in the stomach when that endroll you got was high enough that the lightning bolt to the head should have killed the target...but the crit was randomized and dropped below that instant kill crit rank. If we can get a few ranks of crit added to bolts (to trigger after crit randomization as DOUG suggested) it may just do the trick in helping to us to crank up the lethality of our bolts.

We understand you're looking for something to match 240, but with the recent changes to wizard spells (some still need fixing - 514, I'm looking at you) we probably won't see something that's a wam-bam thank you ma'am. So, let's give them something to think about. Something that isn't "copy & paste" 240 to a wizard spell slot, but something that could greatly benefit our bolts.

We have to deal with what we're dealt. I don't really enjoy how they've handled the lore tie-ins with a lot of the spells, but that's what they did and probably how they're going to be from here on out without a complete re-write which may be another 10+ years down the line.

Anyway, it's just an idea. Get bolts that hit harder and crank up the crit ranks they dish out, with a chance to have crit cycle damage added to them, while boosting your AS - sounds good on paper, but as I said before, I'm not quiet there at cap and maybe it won't help much....

So, ideas! Help us, help them to fix (or boost) our bolts!

Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/10/2017 04:23 PM CST
>We understand you're looking for something to match 240, but with the recent changes to wizard spells (some still need fixing - 514, I'm looking at you) we probably won't see something that's a wam-bam thank you ma'am. So, let's give them something to think about. Something that isn't "copy & paste" 240 to a wizard spell slot, but something that could greatly benefit our bolts.

No, the changes to 519 removed our post-cap warding spell option that used to be on par with the spiritualists' post-cap instant kill abilities. If we're meant to bolt, then fine, but I expect something that delivers a solution of comparable power on a single-target basis.
Re: 940 - Elemental Carnage 03/14/2017 08:41 AM CDT
The problem with the design is that Bolts are inherently flawed with the random body parts that they hit with a single damage round. CS spells get around this by bypassing armor critical divisors, an unknown element of critical randomization, and many times, multiple damage cycles/rounds, which can potentially remove extraneous body parts in a single attack.

The addition of critical weighting to bolts does not address these concerns, or make bolting a more viable offensive option. Adding more AS/weighting/DF onto a wizard will not solve the problems associated with hitting a non-fatal body part.

Channel did absolute wonders when to comes to these concerns, and the ability to utilize Air Lore with 515 to auto-channel absolutely helps, but I still think we need someway to have either a multi-attack-cycle bolt spell or a buff to our targeting/randomization that may not go so far as channel's benefits.

919 - Wizard Shield 03/14/2017 02:50 PM CDT
"Wizard's Shield creates a translucent sphere around the target, granting a bonus of +50 to defensive strength (DS) for one minute; refreshable. This spell is typically considered an emergency spell because of its very short duration and lack of ability to be stacked."

I would like the option, via lores, to choose whether wizard shield (919) offers DS protection or TD protection. I was thinking water lore, 20 ranks to unlock the ability to EVOKE 919 and have it provide +50 TD instead of +50 DS.
Re: 919 - Wizard Shield 03/14/2017 03:30 PM CDT
>>20 ranks to unlock the ability to EVOKE 919 and have it provide +50 TD instead of +50 DS.

Irrespective of lore chosen (love the EL:W, but may hamper select training styles), this is PURE. GOLD. !. !.

Re: 919 - Wizard Shield 03/14/2017 04:10 PM CDT
They say water lore is the least attractive lore currently, and it seems a good match for the requested ability. It has also been stated that people prefer an X ranks to unlock ability setup. 20 ranks seems reasonable.
Re: 919 - Wizard Shield 03/14/2017 05:41 PM CDT
>It has also been stated that people prefer an X ranks to unlock ability setup. 20 ranks seems reasonable.

That's just an assumption based on the fact that people will train a minimum lore to get an ability unlocked. I don't recall any player specifically saying "I really enjoy having to train in 20 ranks to unlock a spell feature." - then again, I don't read every post and recall all posts that I have read.

Example: Tonis Bolt - requires minimum 20 ranks Air Lore OR Steam Bolt - requires minimum 20 ranks Fire Lore to unlock.

I don't like the minimums required to "unlock" spells. The spells should be readily available to all. All spells should be viable to every wizard and be beneficial at the base level. The lores should be there to expand the power/ability of each spell.

Instead of simply unlocking Steam Bolt with 20 ranks EL:F, you should have access to it regardless of what lores or maybe if you have no lores:
Then if you train in EL:F, not only will the DF increase based on EL:F ranks, but other things should improve the power of the spell for those that want to train in EL:F.
Something like every rank EL:F gives you a % chance for the spell to give you a crit cycle.
Or maybe every 2 ranks EL:F/EL:A the spell has a chance to cause heat burns to other targets in the room.
Or maybe every couple of ranks boosts the chance for the spell to also drench the target in super heated water that causes damage over time.

Maybe I'm of the minority here, but that's how I'd like to see the spells handle lores.

Re: 919 - Wizard Shield 03/14/2017 08:28 PM CDT
>I don't like the minimums required to "unlock" spells. The spells should be readily available to all. All spells should be viable to every wizard and be beneficial at the base level. The lores should be there to expand the power/ability of each spell.

I see the point in this, but it's been said there's not much point in specializing in a lore when 50 ranks in each will get most of the best each has to offer. Unlocking things at higher tiers, vs. an ever-decaying seed summation, is one way to accommodate advanced lore specialization. I like to see ways that people can choose to customize their character. Unlocking, or point-buy systems like maneuvers, do this better than just improving the same list everyone has. But they also have their negatives.
Re: 919 - Wizard Shield 03/15/2017 05:10 PM CDT
I'd train 202 water lore if it would make Steam Bolt cause a Steam sale.

~ Methais