Greetings folks!
As some may have remembered before I left the game for a while, I was into alchemy and had become one of the few Guildmasters in the Wizard Guild. However, after taking a long break from the game and returning it appears I lost my guild membership and mastership as well. I would love to get reinstated, but I do not know who, what exactly I should to do, or look for. A little research has lead me to believe that they reduced the number of Guildmasters needed to nominate a new one from 6 to 2. Woot! However, the few times I have tried to gather a wizard or two that are actually in the guild, and are masters, have been quite fruitless.
Can anybody give a shout out to whom I may contact (active Guildmasters) to work out the necessary details? I sure hope alchemy isn't a dead art, and that the Wizard Guild is not a ghost town. I may want to continue to pursue Mastering the other disciplines, but at a more leisurely pace. Additionally, since I had Mastered General alchemy and I know I was stockpiling ingredients for a long time, I may have some materials to assist anybody looking to progress in General alchemy.