Time Stop (550) has now been released and is a new capstone Major Elemental spell available to wizards. When activated, it will remove a base 60 seconds of roundtime from the caster and reduce the duration of negative effects by the same amount (e.g. stuns, Bind (214), etc). It can be activated while in roundtime and while under most status conditions (stunned, webbed, immobile, etc) with the STOP TIME command. Starting out, it may be used once per day and uses resets at midnight ET. Training in Elemental Lore, Earth unlocks an additional use per day at 40, 115, and 190 ranks. Training in Elemental Lore, Air increases the amount of roundtime that is removed and the amount of time that is removed from negative effects by (1.5 * seed 1 summation of their EL:A ranks) seconds (e.g. at 28 ranks, it removes an additional 10 seconds; at 55 ranks, it removes an additional 15 seconds, etc). At 50 ranks of Elemental Lore, Water, the spell will automatically release an Elemental Wave (410) in the room, with additional lore training past that making it more difficult to resist. At 50 ranks of Elemental Lore, Fire, the spell will automatically release a fire Elemental Wave (similar to 435 but without the roundtime) in the room, with additional lore training past that making it more difficult to resist. Having 50 ranks in both EL:W and EL:F causes it act exactly like a fire Major Elemental Wave (435). In either case (or when both effects are combined), the wave is significantly more difficult to resist than the base 410/435 spell alone.
Credit to goes GameMaster Konacon for working on the code for this release.
GameMaster Estild
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