The overall lethality of the spell for immolation-specced wizards is being reduced, but the usefulness and power of the spell for non-specialized wizards is being increased. The chance to incinerate (instant kill) a target is now calculated as a seed 1 summation of ((lore ranks - 10) / 2), but with a reduced chance for any warding result that is less than 150. The penalty is calculated at 2% per 1 WM. So if the wizard had a base 10% chance to incinerate the target, but the warding result was 125, the chance would be reduced to 5%. With 192 lore ranks, the base chance is 13%.
When not EVOKEd, the base damage of the spell has been increased. Training in Elemental Lore, Fire will now provide a % chance for one additional crit cycle, determined by (lore ranks / 1.5), so at 100 ranks, there is a 66% chance, and at 150 ranks, there is a 100% chance. The spell may also now be CHANNELed for increased damage, when one or more of the wizard's hands are empty and they are in an offensive stance. Lastly, when the spell is not EVOKEd, it will no longer cause RoundTime to the target, with the exception of players who manually choose to roll around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the immolate effect. However, the spell can be EVOKEd to still cause RoundTime (in exchange for the decreased damage potential). This allows a wizard to optionally use the spell to disable or as an effective warding attack spell.
GameMaster Estild
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