Idea for Premium Weddings 12/13/2010 03:08 PM CST
I think it would be neat if for one of the wedding alters folks could create a large container (ie box, chest, footlocker, etc.) to be placed in the reception area with an allmine script for collecting wedding gifts.

In a perfect world once the home revamps are done, it could be placed there for in home storage.

Re: Idea for Premium Weddings 12/24/2010 12:22 PM CST
I do offer something very similar to this idea when it's requested by my wedding couples. Generally, I just place a hope chest in the reception area, and guests can drop off their gifts inside. At the end of the evening, the bride and groom typically gather up their gifts from the chest and throw them in a to-go sack.

I don't know where they're at with home updates, so I can't say that's a possibility at this point in time, but it's a nice idea.

I'm usually pretty flexible about adding small details to weddings for my couples. I always want the bride and groom to feel like everything is as close to perfect as we can get it on their wedding day.
