Is the damage factor against a particular armor group fixed, or does it vary depending on whether the damage is slash vs puncture vs crush?
IIRC (and I may not), the DF calcs done by the oldschool number crunchers were an average, based on whatever percentage a weapon did slash/puncture/crush.
Now that weapon precision is an option, I'm wondering if there's a benefit to using crush vs plate, slash vs more lightly armored, puncture vs chain ( I think).
Morden, player of.
Re: Damage factor vs ASG
02/05/2013 02:05 AM CST
>Is the damage factor against a particular armor group fixed, or does it vary depending on whether the damage is slash vs puncture vs crush?
>IIRC (and I may not), the DF calcs done by the oldschool number crunchers were an average, based on whatever percentage a weapon did slash/puncture/crush.
>Now that weapon precision is an option, I'm wondering if there's a benefit to using crush vs plate, slash vs more lightly armored, puncture vs chain ( I think).
Damage factors are fixed to the armor group, not the damage type, and vary with each weapon. All the weapon damage tables are on KP with accurate DFs. But just as important as DFs, for many players, are the lowest fatal critical ranks associated with each damage type/body location.
Archers will aim for the eyes because the eyes have the lowest fatal critical (rank 4) with puncture damage. If an archer can generate enough damage to cause a rank 8 critical before crit randomization, a successful aimed eye strike is a guaranteed one-shot kill. Maul (crush only) user's will often aim for the head or neck since those body locations will be fatal with a rank 5 critical. With enough damage this is a guaranteed crit kill. The lowest fatal eye critical with crush damage is rank 7. Because of crit randomization mechanics you will never average greater than a 60% fatal outcome from crush eye crits.
FYI - Precision does not activate with the AMBUSH verb or ranged attacks. So, you would want to take that into consideration if you plan on aiming attacks.
>IIRC (and I may not), the DF calcs done by the oldschool number crunchers were an average, based on whatever percentage a weapon did slash/puncture/crush.
>Now that weapon precision is an option, I'm wondering if there's a benefit to using crush vs plate, slash vs more lightly armored, puncture vs chain ( I think).
Damage factors are fixed to the armor group, not the damage type, and vary with each weapon. All the weapon damage tables are on KP with accurate DFs. But just as important as DFs, for many players, are the lowest fatal critical ranks associated with each damage type/body location.
Archers will aim for the eyes because the eyes have the lowest fatal critical (rank 4) with puncture damage. If an archer can generate enough damage to cause a rank 8 critical before crit randomization, a successful aimed eye strike is a guaranteed one-shot kill. Maul (crush only) user's will often aim for the head or neck since those body locations will be fatal with a rank 5 critical. With enough damage this is a guaranteed crit kill. The lowest fatal eye critical with crush damage is rank 7. Because of crit randomization mechanics you will never average greater than a 60% fatal outcome from crush eye crits.
FYI - Precision does not activate with the AMBUSH verb or ranged attacks. So, you would want to take that into consideration if you plan on aiming attacks.
Re: Damage factor vs ASG
02/05/2013 06:20 AM CST
>Now that weapon precision is an option, I'm wondering if there's a benefit to using crush vs plate, slash vs more lightly armored, puncture vs chain ( I think).
There is usually an advantage to doing this by switching weapons, but you can't get it by using precision with a weapon that has multiple damage types. The DF for a weapon is fixed, but crush weapons tend to have high DF against plate and so on.
Precision is useful for situations like a lance against a puncture immune critter, but not good for much else.
There is usually an advantage to doing this by switching weapons, but you can't get it by using precision with a weapon that has multiple damage types. The DF for a weapon is fixed, but crush weapons tend to have high DF against plate and so on.
Precision is useful for situations like a lance against a puncture immune critter, but not good for much else.
Re: Damage factor vs ASG
02/05/2013 09:09 AM CST
YEA! Weapon precision is the answer to the question I was beating my head against yesterday. Could not for the life of me remember how to swap damage type and no amount of me typing WEAPON SET CRUSH You can't do that right now was jogging my memory.
Re: Damage factor vs ASG
02/05/2013 09:12 AM CST
Recall that the weapon needs to actually be able to inflict that type of damage, for you to Precision your way into it. (If you've got a Slash-only weapon, no amount of Precision will let you inflict Krush or Puncture damage.)