War Cry Mechanics - Attack and Defense 03/03/2017 07:54 AM CST
I haven't seen information on this since the CS days, and the chat about the new Ithzir Champions bellowing people to death got me thinking: can we have a little insight into what factors affect the offense and defense of War Cries?

My assumptions:

Offense: INF Bonus
Defense: Yertie's Yowlp
Both: War Cry ranks, level difference

Back when War Cries used a CS system, CvA was part of the calculation, and thus heavy armor provided a significant defense against War Cries. Is that still the case? I'm not sure if I should be advising newbies to go yell at boars and other beasts for that juicy +25 CvA. (It's, uh, been a while since my Warrior mastered.)

Do Lichbane or the anti-fear spells/abilities provide any defense? INF/DIS bonus? Any skills involved?

Re: War Cry Mechanics - Attack and Defense 03/30/2017 07:03 AM CDT

Because there's been no reply, just wanted to chime in that I, too, would love some more info on the arcane workings behind warcry defense.