Berserk 09/05/2014 09:48 PM CDT
Does the CMAN version of berserk stack with the guild version?
If so, what are the tangible benefits to such an investment?
Re: Berserk 09/05/2014 09:56 PM CDT
>> Does the CMAN version of berserk stack with the guild version?
>> If so, what are the tangible benefits to such an investment?

No. The Guild version is equivalent to about 6 ranks in CMAN Berserk if you fully train it. You can only train 5 ranks via CMAN training. You would get the benefit from the one that is trained the most.

-- Robert
Re: Berserk 09/05/2014 10:25 PM CDT

The benefits of training in Berserk via the Guild are essentially two:

1) Mastery of berserk via the guild is supposed to be like having 6.3 CMAN ranks (having 50 ranks by the guild is supposed to equal 5 ranks by CMAN).

2) You free up the CMAN points you would have used to train in berserk to train in something else. The same with tackle, disarm, feint, etc...the guild skills mean you don't have to waste your precious CMAN points on those skills.

Re: Berserk 09/06/2014 12:55 AM CDT
Be nice if choosing to CMAN those skills as well would make them more efficient.
Re: Berserk 09/06/2014 09:03 AM CDT
The general rule of thumb is 1 CMan rank - 10 guild ranks, but its an approximation and there are variations between skills in how the CMan is coded viz a viz the guild skill. If you are interested in a particular effect that is triggered at a rank threshold (like barehanded use) that varies quite a lot.
Re: Berserk 09/06/2014 04:36 PM CDT
More I was looking for a way to stop berserking on command easier, so i don't go off on a suicide run under the guise of chasing.