Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/30/2015 10:20 PM CDT

I used to be a pretty prolific poster on these boards, but I've wandered away from them. A discussion in the warrior guild compelled a number of us to decide that the time for action on an issue long ignored had come. This is my contribution to that effort.

The issues are multi-fold, but one of the key points regards the preservation of the history of this game. I have been a warrior for a long time. I was a warrior before the warrior guild, before DF Redux. I certainly haven't been around the longest of anyone, but I have seen a great deal of history through the years. A key part of that history is the people that have helped to shape the warrior profession through the years, and the way they are honored - or not honored, as the case is - within Gemstone. As old warriors are wont to do, upon nominating a new Guild Master tonight, and downing a number of whiskeys in Bert's office, we started to reminisce about those that shaped us through the years. The names started flowing more freely than the whiskey.

Any list would be far from complete, but I wanted to share just a few of the names that, in a few brief moments, still flourish in the hearts and minds of Elanthia's warriors:

Doomkilla, Drizzsdt, Berr, Jakester, Shattyn, Ooey, Changchuan, Skull, Kiera, Kiora, Canardly, Metaboculous, Shadowkatt, Gaq, Blaqtar, Waldo2, Welan, Cemb, Thundermin, Corael, Geoff, Thorin, Thrudh, Hyoko, Wanton, Commandant... Needless to say, I could go on and invite fellow warriors to contribute their thoughts below.

For years, the plaque outside the warrior guild held the names of the many great warriors that passed through the halls of the Warrior Guild. At some point, that changed, and many of us are upset by it. This needs to be rectified. Somehow, some way, the names of the greats need to be preserved so that new upcoming warriors can understand their history, see the names of those that built the place. None of these names can be seen anywhere. No warriors, unless they spend their time with the old souls of the lands, will ever know these names.

Whoever is the new Talisker, the new Stealth, the new Kuromaku - whoever it is that actually cares about warriors and the things they care about, this is a plea to you to restore the history, to restore the memory. The last announcement in the Warriors folder is from 2012, so it was hard to pin down who that is these days. Warriors are known for building monuments, for honoring their dead, their gone, their never forgotten.

And that brings me to Galyden vonRohrBach. Galyden, the "pink warrior", was one of Furrow's best friends through the years. Many, many that have been around will know his name, and some, hopefully most, will know that he was lost to us years ago as a warrior in another realm, taken by a roadside bomb in Iraq as he served our country.

Something needs to be done to preserve our history that is already long gone. The plaque needs to be restored, or at the very least, a historical register made available. Galyden deserves a statue, a monument, something - for what he meant to the world within Elanthia and without. All of this is long overdue.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/30/2015 10:24 PM CDT

I second this, or maybe I first it! Thru the years theres been lots of us, and sadly many of the greats warriors of the past have been forgotten, I've stood in the guild for years refusing to do much of anything unless kicked because I hated the loss of so many friends names all those years ago. People that worked so hard shouldn't be allowed to vanish. People that made the sacrifices shouldn't be ignored, and those that made the greatest sacrifice of all should be honored!

Old Fiter
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/30/2015 10:46 PM CDT

>I second this, or maybe I first it! Thru the years theres been lots of us, and sadly many of the greats warriors of the past have been forgotten, I've stood in the guild for years refusing to do much of anything unless kicked because I hated the loss of so many friends names all those years ago. People that worked so hard shouldn't be allowed to vanish. People that made the sacrifices shouldn't be ignored, and those that made the greatest sacrifice of all should be honored!<

I will add my call for a memorial of some kind to the warriors of the past. My first time in Darkstone was with Berr. Gaq was the one who introduced me to the legends bar when I reached my 50th train. Do not forget Aonghus as well. Like Frorin I could go on with the names.

Let's keep the spirit,

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/30/2015 11:10 PM CDT
I'd like to echo this request too. It hurt my heart when my Warrior, Jacinto, heard Clunk and Ardwen's stories about why they're not mastered in the modern guild (and about the missing plaque). More should be done about all of this. Warriors are a class of legacies.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/30/2015 11:25 PM CDT
I fully support this and surely a record exists of the original warrior guildmaster plaque.

Let's put it up! And outside the game as well on the wiki (if someone has a clip somewhere).
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 01:04 AM CDT
You can add my name to the list supporting this idea too. I will say something about the plaque: it was a list of guildmasters in the order they mastered the guild, with the caveat that they fell off the list if they got far enough behind in their dues. So when it disappeared, it was already missing some pretty important names. But we could rectify that!

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 01:37 AM CDT
As I recall, the original all-time guildmaster tracking system broke horribly and unrecoverably several years before I joined staff, and was thereafter replaced by local guildmaster tracking. Unfortunately, even though I personally recognize nearly every one of those names, the original records that would allow us to reconstitute the list are long gone.

We're always open to suggestions on how to appropriately honor past legends, however.

I should also note that players who have died in the real world are often honored in the Halcyon Hills area of the game, near Melgorehn's Reach. In the case of Galyden (unfortunately, not a player I myself remember), I encourage anyone who knew him to discuss appropriate memorial ideas amongst themselves and then send some ideas to Wyrom.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 08:59 AM CDT
Interesting that this should be posted overnight, since just yesterday I was reading the GSwiki page for the Silver Gryphons, and--from the standpoint of my Fighter--thinking, "I remember training talks with him, and her, and him, and her, and oh, yeah, the n00b, and..."
The funniest part to me was that "the n00b" was the first First Leader, Brinn. :)
His player was a D.C. area local, and when he started showing up at the local gatherings there was a LOT of accumulated wisdom poured into his ears. (Oghier, Dartaghan, Sagan, roughly a quarter of the active membership of Arcane--at the time--were D.C. area residents.)

I'm still pleased that I was able to get his ("a frosty blue laen") flail before he left, for my collection. I had kept nagging him about it for several years, to match the red laen flail.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 11:00 AM CDT

>The funniest part to me was that "the n00b" was the first First Leader, Brinn.<

I have been in contact with Sir Brinn. He has an updated way to reach him. He is still on the missive post office for Order of the Silver Gryphon and House Arcane. Don't want to get anyone's hopes up too high, but he indicated he may make an appearance again, even for a short period in the Fall. I keep waiting <taps foot impatiently>. :-)

I recall my first encounter with Brinn. I was in TSE and thought out about questions re: COL when I was younger, OOOPS! He tracked me down and politely informed me of the protocol. :-)

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 02:23 PM CDT
Brinn was/is a class act.

I lived in DC too! Was there from summer 1996 to end of 1999. Maybe you were before me Robert, but I remember some great gathers there with some really interesting people. We would often meet in Reston Town Center, or sometimes hit clubs downtown, etc. Between the large groups of government/military people, and the people who worked for AOL, it should have been no surprise that it was a hot bed for "cutting edge" internet gaming. We had some fun times. I particularly remember this producer from CNN who could do this thing with her tongue... extraordinary.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 02:28 PM CDT
You mean the rippled-edge thing where she waved it at you like a flag? Yeah, I saw that same gal. Damn that was neat. :)

I suspect you mean the <bar that now appears to be Uncle Julio's, according to GoogleMaps> in Ballston, because that looks like about the right spacing from the IHOP a couple blocks down on the other side.

Did you ever make any of the D.C. area RennFaire gathers?
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 02:44 PM CDT
I did go to the Maryland Renfaire with a group of Gemstoners once. Was a good time.

<<You mean the rippled-edge thing where she waved it at you like a flag? Yeah, I saw that same gal. Damn that was neat. :) -Krakii

That isn't quite how I would have put it, (wave it at you like a flag) but I will agree, that was neat. It certainly got the mind to wondering.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 02:56 PM CDT
Since we're resurrecting old memories--and due to a lucky strike on my CPU search for something completely unrelated--try checking out a crosspost of just a few moments ago:
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 04:00 PM CDT
While I appreciate all the reminiscing, I want to try and keep this on the task at hand. Finros, thanks for your reply. I've heard the "broken and unrecoverably" before, but have also seen my share (professionally) of things that were deemed "unrecoverable" or "impossible" suddenly become neither because someone with a different skill set than the person that deemed it so came along. I'm told that (for a fee) the level 5 wizard I played on AOL in 1995/96 can be mine again, but a list of Warrior Guild masters is unrecoverable? I suppose it's possible, but more likely that nobody has deemed it to be worth the effort to recover it. The past matters, and means something to many of us. If it is the case that this is something that just didn't have the right eyes on it in the past, I would hate for it to be dismissed as something that is impossible because years ago someone said it couldn't be done.

It would be nice if we felt that someone cared enough to at least take a fresh look at it. If it is truly impossible then by all means the community will rally and come up with ideas to take the place of the plaque. We will likely do so regardless.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 08/31/2015 06:54 PM CDT

Berr left his mark in Darkstone.
Berr also had one of the guild trainings named after him.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/01/2015 12:44 AM CDT
>I've heard the "broken and unrecoverably" before, but have also seen my share (professionally) of things that were deemed "unrecoverable" or "impossible" suddenly become neither because someone with a different skill set than the person that deemed it so came along. I'm told that (for a fee) the level 5 wizard I played on AOL in 1995/96 can be mine again, but a list of Warrior Guild masters is unrecoverable? I suppose it's possible, but more likely that nobody has deemed it to be worth the effort to recover it.

A little from column A, a little from column B. It was certainly recoverable at the time (full game backups are made on a regular basis for exactly that purpose), but staff at the time apparently deemed it not worth restoring in that format. Ten years later -- it looks like the change was made in 2005 -- it isn't necessarily recoverable. There may be some old copy lying around on a tape backup somewhere, but game staff doesn't have access to it, if so. Even aside from that, Kerl pointed out another problem: the list was one of paid-dues guildmasters at the time, rather than a strictly linear list of guildmasters. By 2005, a lot of the names that you mention would have dropped off the list.

Anyway, the bottom line is that player suggestions are much more likely to see implementation in this regard, than any sort of composite plaque regeneration.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/01/2015 02:02 PM CDT
I think between the bunch of us we could find logs that show the plaque. I know I used to look at it every now and again. Enough log samples and we'd be able to get most everyone back on the plaque. One problem for me is that most of the some 10,000 logs I have, have had their dates scrambled.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/01/2015 02:10 PM CDT
I'd expect I could find some News data from the time, maybe a few how to things will reference the early guild masters. The Leya Quest was right around the guild originals so maybe some of those logs would happen to catch it by accident.

I never looked at it much myself when the pay your dues thing was revealed. I remember a similar uproar when the first few names fell off the roster list because of this.

I only vaguely remember the warcry group and berserk mastery path most of us were doing. I think the first master at arms should be remembered as it was someone dedicated and I don't think one of the normal "big name in lights" types.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/01/2015 08:54 PM CDT
The first Master at Arms was Drizzsdt. The first person to master a skill was Berr. I don't recall who was the first guildmaster, but I know it wasn't me!

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/02/2015 06:37 AM CDT
>The first Master at Arms was Drizzsdt.

Doesn't he have a memorial on Teras? Drizzsdt's office? I don't remember the details and am not going to be in the guild there any time soon to check, but there's something which rings a bell.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/02/2015 09:07 AM CDT
"The first person to master a skill was Berr." -- Kerl

Heh. And you know which one it was, too. :)

Joe was a mighty cool guy, even if he did get a little goofy about finding that mecthar (I would swear he insisted on spelling it "mechtar", given that he came over from BattleTech) in the weapon-shop on Teras. Heh.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/02/2015 09:41 AM CDT
That thing is still around Krakii. Berr gave it to me many years ago, and I've passed it on (since I don't use two-handers) to one person, who years later gave it back upon leaving the game, and I believe Cryheart has it now.

And yes, there's a Drizzsdt drink and maybe a room in his honor on Teras.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/02/2015 09:47 AM CDT
Any idea where the 'H' lies in that noun? I was never really clear, but I thought it was after the 'T' and not before it. :)
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/02/2015 11:57 AM CDT
I'm pretty sure it's mechtar.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/02/2015 06:29 PM CDT
Is there any way to query the warrior pin item and bring back a timestamp of item creation too? Not fool proof, but could be another angle.

I'll see if my good ole 300MHZ Gateway has some logs.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/03/2015 12:07 AM CDT
First off, thanks for replying Finros - it's good to know that someone is still looking at these folders even if they appear pretty dead. That announcements folder really blew my mind when I saw it.

Second, apologies if my reply to you came off a bit caustic. I know this isn't the first time this has been brought up, and it's frustrating that it happened, but I also know that dwelling on what can't be done is an insult to what can be. Would the feedback process be a good way to reach someone on site that might have access to old backups? I don't expect them to actually do the legwork, but you never know who might be motivated if the cause is just.

That being said, I'd like to see us move forward on player motivated stuff. A few of the folks posting in this thread have said they have old logs - unfortunately I don't have any of mine anymore. I think at this point, anything you can track down - a shot of the plaque along with a date, a "LOOK" at one of the many old masters - or at this point, anyone from ages ago that had a significant impact on your warrior, who is no longer represented sufficiently.

I'm motivated to get this done (on our end, at least) and don't want this to end up being a "hey, remember that thread?".

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/03/2015 06:07 PM CDT

I am with Furrowfoot on this, checking some old drives and hoping I saved pics of them, of course I am about 12 PCs back at this point but who knows!

If nothing else we can manually compile a list of old Masters.

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/03/2015 09:14 PM CDT
If we cant find a log im skeptical we could memory it.
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/03/2015 10:39 PM CDT
Dug up some logs and rummaged around in them. Couldn't open all of them for some reason, and couldn't find any clips of the plaque. Anyone have any ideas for search terms that would drill down better than "plaque"?

Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/04/2015 12:24 AM CDT
Does anyone else remember, or possibly try to forget, Dwu?

Chad, player of a few
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/04/2015 08:43 AM CDT
Wasn't it Dwu Axetoe?

Both Krakii & my Fighter knew him pretty well. (Just to talk to; never really hunted with him.)
Re: Memories of Warriors Long Forgotten - A Request and a Restrospective 09/04/2015 08:10 PM CDT
>>Anyone have any ideas for search terms that would drill down better than "plaque"?

try "Administrator Klidel and a large mithril plaque."

The plaque is newer logs lots of times, but never an occasion where Clunk read it (only goes back to 1999, and only regular after 2007 or 2009 or so.)


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)