Parrying 03/11/2012 12:14 AM CST
Okay so I have some Cman points to spend. Everyone says to truly go for parry mastery, but at its steep cost, I wonder if I should.

Based on Krakiipedia, here's a brief overview of parrying

>>The odds for an outright parry are determined by comparing the defender's weapon skill to the attacker's level. Against a like-level foe, 2x training in the appropriate weapon skill will yield approximately a 5% chance to parry >>an incoming attack in stance offensive. Other factors that affect the chance to parry include:
>> * The passive combat maneuver Parry Mastery will increase the chance to parry by 5% per rank known (15% max).
>> * certain stats (most likely strength and dexterity)
>> * stance
>> * certain spells
>> * positioning: kneeling reduces the chance to parry by 25%, being prone by 50%

so, the point I find the most curious, is the first bullet point.. parry mastery increases the chance to parry by 5% per rank known. so, does that mean, overall? meaning, in defensive it grants the full 15% bonus at 3 ranks, (think of it as -15 to the opponent's d100 roll to break through defenses on a positive endroll) and in offensive it does what exactly? Is Pmastery penalized in offensive stance, or do you actually truly get a 20% to parry a positive enemy endroll? I'm saying %, but really, I mean 20 points on the d100 hidden roll.

Not sure if I weaved a tangled web of logic but hope someone gets the jist of it and replies.
Thank you.
Re: Parrying 03/11/2012 08:52 AM CDT
I don't think anyone has actually done the research to be sure.

If you have a 5% chance to parry an attack without parry mastery, then that increases to 20% (not 5.75%) with parry mastery. I don't think any player has more than a rough idea of what happens if you had only a 2.5% chance (due to being disabled in same way) or a 10% chance (due to some bonus like low level critter or defensive stance).

My own opinion of the mastery skills is that they are not the ones you want to train immediately, but you will want to train whichever one does you most good eventually. So if you are somewhere in the level 40-60 range, you may well be at the point where I would expect them to start being an attractive option. If you are only level 20, I think you should be able to find a better use for your points.

They are nice if your character has RP invested in the skill. I forget exactly when I picked up block mastery, but it was fairly early because shield use is an important character facet. If you are invested in weapon use for your character's RP, then you get benefit from weapon mastery even when it isn't actually doing anything for you mechanically. The benefit from parrying an incoming attack on a character you are PROTECTing isn't just that they didn't get swung at. You get to be the hero that saved them.
Re: Parrying 03/12/2012 12:36 PM CDT
>>They are nice if your character has RP invested in the skill.

This, I think is the biggest reason to train in the skill. Mechanically, in my opinion, there will always be something better to train in. So, unless you see your character as the type to parry a lot I wouldn't bother with the skill. At cap, I have one rank of parry mastery and that is only to give me a better chance at protecting the people I hunt with or any NPC's I happen to be escorting, whether it's rescued children or travelers from one town to another.