There is always going to be some weight carried by a warrior - weapons, armor, shields - all the standard gear. And the bulkier races carry this off well, training withstanding. I however was shocked to discover that I was carrying over 100 pounds of stuff as standard. I am my own locker it seems with a seemingly good reason for carrying these items. I am barely encumbered and there seems little discernable impact on my hunting ... although I suspect my dodging is not as effective as it might otherwise be.
Well no more. I'm going to try - over the next few weeks - to shed at least 60 pounds and to only carry more than this as a transitional act - e.g. carrying boxes found.
So the question is, when was the last time you checked how much additional weight you carried?
Bremerial - Droughtman's Challenge Amateur Heckler (retired)
Warrior Interviews - Have you been interviewed yet? -
AIM: warriorbremerial
Re: How much extra do you carry?
12/09/2011 03:14 PM CST
I am something like 60 just from my clothes and weaponry. I haven't checked what I normally have in them weighs recently, but when the second box I pick up makes me encumbered I look for something to dispose of next time I am in town. I could probably get 4 or 5 boxes a time if I really stripped down but the critters just don't drop that many and I have all these black crystals I never get around to using anyway.
Re: How much extra do you carry?
12/09/2011 03:18 PM CST
About halfway between a crap-load and a shit-ton.
Roughly 70 pounds of that is just scrolls.
Roughly 70 pounds of that is just scrolls.
Re: How much extra do you carry?
12/09/2011 03:23 PM CST
No idea. LOTS. I have one bag that I keep as close to fully stocked with every conceivable herb that weighs around 40 lbs or so...and a scroll case full of scrolls. And a cloak full of bottles of gems. And a backpack full of god knows what. And a bandolier with odds and ends. And my weapons/armor/shield. Just lots and lots. Being able to carry enough stuff to be largely self sufficient in most every way is one of my personal favorite things about being a warrior.
>Mohrgan, an orthopedist's dream.
Re: How much extra do you carry?
12/09/2011 06:31 PM CST
A giantman with non-enchanced max strength and constitution bonuses can carry 146 lbs., unencumbered. The strength spell will push that up to 200 lbs. Lightening armor will add 1.33 lbs (giantman) for each pound below standard weight. With max stats, strength and 38 lb. full plate a giantman's unencumbered carrying capacity is approximately 250 lbs.
Re: How much extra do you carry?
12/10/2011 12:20 PM CST
My non warrior Giantkin empath has around 100 lbs of stuff in her backpack (strength 100, of course).
Re: How much extra do you carry?
12/10/2011 02:23 PM CST
wow. Glad to see i'm not the only one. Still, its going to be interesting to see how my hunting fairs when I strip off 60 pounds - assuming I can do that. Just so used to carrying these items around. Not sure how i'd do without most of them on my person.
Bremerial - Droughtman's Challenge Amateur Heckler (retired)
Warrior Interviews - Have you been interviewed yet? -
AIM: warriorbremerial
Bremerial - Droughtman's Challenge Amateur Heckler (retired)
Warrior Interviews - Have you been interviewed yet? -
AIM: warriorbremerial