My polearming giantman warrior is about to hit level 56. He's been hunting seekers, mammoths, and tigers for a while now. Any suggestions on where to go next? He needs to go somewhere with creatures that he can finish training tackle and warcry on. I was thinking about hunting pyros on Teras. Does warcry work on them (I know sweep does, so I assume tackle would)? Or is there a better place to go at his level?
Thanks for any input.
"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Where to hunt next
08/29/2011 07:15 PM CDT
You are right on the money. Go with Pyros on Teras. Aside from being fun, they are pretty great for doing your guild skills (in that level range I was on Teras and made most of my progress on those critters skills, as I recall...pretty sure warcry works great on them). The other good thing is that I know there usually a bunch of warriors hanging around Teras that I'm sure could help you with the partner stuff. Teras is great fun to hunt right up to the big gap that comes after fire mages and before the Temple.
*Mohrgan grins cheerfully*
*Mohrgan grins cheerfully*
Re: Where to hunt next
08/30/2011 07:52 PM CDT
You will love Teras. It's perfect for mid 50's warrior. Suggestion polite and respectful and make friends with those who rest at the Statue and do rescues. Teras can be a lonely place if you're disliked.
Thundermin aka Boneboy
Re: Where to hunt next
08/31/2011 12:33 AM CDT
Thanks to both of you for the input. And yes, I've had other characters on Teras before. I know the culture. Teras it is. Thanks again.
"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Where to hunt next
09/01/2011 07:58 PM CDT
As an alternative Darkstone with Troll Kings, and Harbringers are excellent Warrior Guild training critters. They are both 63rd. Wind Wraiths are great undead on Teras at 61st, you could also do the Citadel in River's Rest as the undead range from 58-62
Re: Where to hunt next
09/03/2011 05:25 PM CDT
As a slight correction the swordsmen in the citadel are higher level than is listed fyre is I think 67 now but if I remember right they averaged 64 I think.
Re: Where to hunt next
09/03/2011 06:21 PM CDT
Thanks. Yes, I have another warrior hunting the citadel now. I love Rivers Rest, but I want to take this guy somewhere different, not only for a change but also because he needs to hunt living creatures or he's never going to finish bonding to his lance. He's been at it forever and still just made rank three recently because he's been hunting undead so much.
"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"