Testing Grounds 01/06/2017 02:50 PM CST
Might as well get this party started.

Any other Wargod sympathizers/touched out there, anymore? If so, what's your take on your Arkati of choice, and what does your character do to hold to him? Is there a particular place that you associate with him, outside of the obvious- the Teras volcano, the shrine in Ta'Vaalor, etc?


Ysharra says, "One day, I'm going to have "What?" inscribed on your tombstone, with lots of helpful punctuation."
Re: Testing Grounds 01/23/2017 09:54 AM CST
Well, as expected, there don't appear to be a lot of V'tullian character pilots who read the official boards often. That being said, I'll answer my own question and hope that sometime, someone joins in ;)

When I first created Ysharra, I resurrected an NPC that I'd played in a friend's campaign. At first, I didn't like her much, she seemed a stereotype, a former slave who escapes and then wanders the surrounding countryside recruiting heroes to help her go back and seek revenge against her former captors. Lo and behold, due to the contributions of the players from the campaign, she quickly got more interesting and by the time she was reborn as Ysharra, she had some fairly strong anti-nobility feelings and thought the common man would be much better off if they helped her burn it all down.

So when I looked at the Arkati, I tried to find the best match for a force of chaos, something to upend the social order with as much mayhem as possible, and found myself choosing between Charl and V'tull. I went with the latter purely due to Ysharra already having some mountain/northern themes as part of her background, rather than the sea. She doesn't have much animosity toward the other Arkati, save to Koar who she views as inherently unfair, as being the god of justice and tacitly allowing unjust institutions and movements to thrive, such as the last round of nonsense from Chaston. She also has a poor opinion of the Lorminstra temples, at least their mortal organization, since they've taken in vast fortunes, and all the cities they are in still have huge slums of starving people.

The few other V'tullians she's encountered over the decades have hotly contested her thoughts, saying that V'tull only cares about combat and bloodshed. She's grown accustomed to being marginalized by her fellow adherents, as she also tends to be mostly pleasant and verbose with her fellow adventurers. Alternatively, she's done some horrible things in her past with the Dark Alliance, feeling that she owes the Wargod her allegiance, and it's more important than her morality.

Do any of you have some off-center interpretations of the Arkati or the Spirits? Have you ever tried to explain them to another character? Do any of you play characters who are devoted to one of the less popular Arkati? Do you ever try to find others, or do you practice your rituals and faith alone, and if so, where?


Ysharra says, "One day, I'm going to have "What?" inscribed on your tombstone, with lots of helpful punctuation."
Re: Testing Grounds 01/23/2017 08:44 PM CST
>Do any of you have some off-center interpretations of the Arkati or the Spirits? Have you ever tried to explain them to another character? Do any of you play characters who are devoted to one of the less popular Arkati? Do you ever try to find others, or do you practice your rituals and faith alone, and if so, where? -She of the boundless curiosity

I wonder if this question might not get more activity in the general discussion subfolder rather than here, since it's a broader question than just V'tull-related. (I miss Wulfhen.)

I like underdogs, and rolled a Cholen cleric back when there was no raucous dwarf about to raise the dead while making your ears bleed, mostly so I could see the various messaging. I've always had a soft spot for the patron saint of binge drinking, questionable humor and crossdressing. Mostly they got along well with bards and bar hoppers, because who else was going to follow Cholen? These days my attention is elsewhere, so that one languishes in obscurity.

My Mularosian has a Tehir-ish spin on her worship and view of higher powers in general, and it's come out a few times in conversation (and was part of a presentation during the Festival of Contemplation in 200...4? 5? something).

I wrote some crappy article for the Elanthian Times back in 2003 on the subject of variance of character belief/worship practices, based on IC interpretation instead of just playing the documentation straight, I think. I really like seeing the different places people take things when they use the docs as a springboard for creativity and not a hard boundary. There's a lot of room for interesting portrayals.

Of course, my current focal character has absolutely no use for or interest in higher powers and is firm in the belief that he's far too small a fish for their notice anyway.

Cendadric says, "Hmm, a most impressive weapon of note. I'll give you 110 silver coins for it."