These are items left over from various merchants of the past. For the most part they aren't particularly amazing by today's standards, although they were impressive enough at the time I bought them off the shelf. I'll try not to drag this out too long. mb 50k on each item. I'll add and remove items as I sell them. I reserve the right to add a buyout amount if an item gets a bit of traction. Feel free to contact me if you wish to inspect anything.
1. a weighted white ora bearded-axe - CB 50k Wrathbringer
14 pds, +10, two-hander, sanctified, Heavy Damage Weighting 10 points - I'm thinking this is a good weapon for a young and upcoming paladin. I bought it for my two-handed dwarven cleric, but I never seem have time to bring her out.
7. a gold-hilted zorchar flamberge
10 pds, +5, 2 hander, It provides a bonus of 6 to Spiritual Lore - Summoning Bonus. Persists.
14. a glaes bastard sword
13 pds, +15 sanctified, switchable 1 or 2 hand