7x perfect flail
11/28/2011 01:40 PM CST
Selling a 7x perfect blue steel flail. Not setting an MB right now, since most folks know what such an item is worth. Let's see some nice offers.
Re: 7x perfect flail
11/29/2011 08:29 AM CST
Didn't this already "sell" for 7 mil?
I'll bid 2k. Final offer.
Re: 7x perfect flail
11/29/2011 11:57 AM CST
>>Didn't this already "sell" for 7 mil?<<
Indeed it did; Ravinold bought it 2 months back. BUT ... we were unable to connect in game to make the transfer. I finally caught up to him yesterday, and he had decided to go with a magic metal claidh instead in the interim period. Hence, I am resubmitting it for sale here.
An offer of 2K?? Ah, what a droll sense of humor!
OK, since clearly my assumption about the astuteness of the customers was in error, the MB is 6,000,000.