Re: TWC Katar wielding warrior build 12/11/2010 12:03 PM CST
slow down the armor training and pick up some PT. it will help you much more than the armor will. Not only will you take better hits, your stamina will get the needed boost for your build and blood recovery will be upped. One thing about TWC is speed, and multi hits, otherwise why have it. Dodge isn't going to do much if you are in full plate and training in it only 1x. doubt 1.5 would be much better. my advice is get to mbp and then cut armor to 1 ta 1.5x and get your pt to 2.5x, seeing as pt is the number one redux factor.... . get your multi opps to at least 95 ranks for the quick recovery (not ta mention most don't live through 8 katar hits). Just a lil insight from the fat elf in town.

Re: TWC Katar wielding warrior build 12/11/2010 02:49 PM CST
>>get your multi opps to at least 95 ranks for the quick recovery

You know, I haven't noticed much of a difference in my recovery times on my way through the levels.

>>One thing about TWC is speed, and multi hits, otherwise why have it.

Agreed here.

>>Dodge isn't going to do much if you are in full plate and training in it only 1x. doubt 1.5 would be much better.

At the lower levels this is true, but as you gain more levels the difference between x1, x1.5 and x2 dodge is significant, even when wearing fullplate.