The STOW and LOOT verbs have been updated to provide a more efficient and friendly experience when looting treasure dropped by slain foes and subsequently stowing that treasure away.
The STOW verb has been updated to allow for several containers to be assigned for various types of items and items may be stowed into those containers by specifying the type of container. See STOW HELP for details.
The LOOT verb has been updated to include some new features which work together with the STOW verb. LOOT ROOM (or LOOT AREA) will search through the items in the room (on the "ground" or "floor") and attempt to GET and STOW any that it finds to be common treasure.
Additionally, the LOOT verb may target an opened treasure chest (i.e. the chest, box, strongbox, coffer, and trunk containers commonly found as treasure) and will attempt to GET and STOW each item it contains, excluding any silver coins.
Finally, individual treasure items in the room may be targetted directly by LOOT {item} to have your character attempt to GET and STOW that item.
Note that it is possible for the LOOT verb to successfully GET an item but not be able to STOW it due to the container being full, leaving the item in hand.
When this LOOT feature attempts to STOW the item it will specify a type appropriate for the item, facilitating the storing of treasure into specific containers. (e.g. If the item being picked up and stowed is a skin, it will be stowed as if the STOW SKIN {item} command were used; if a gem, then STOW GEM {item}; and so on.)
You will also find a new Loot window in the StormFront front end which will report a summary of item looted and where they were stowed.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/28/2018 11:08 PM CDT
No more getting and stowing every single item, every time? I think my old, sore typing fingers just gave a shout of joy.
Awesome update.
Avaia, player of
Awesome update.
Avaia, player of
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/28/2018 11:24 PM CDT
Any chance we could get LOOT IGNORE to set the LOOT verb ignore a specific type of item. For example, my empath doesn't have any use for herbs so it'd be awesome if I could LOOT without her picking up all sorts of herbs I don't want or need (and can't sell).
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/28/2018 11:30 PM CDT
Just got this messaging on my Rogue using LOOT AREA-
>loot area
With a discerning eye, you gather up what treasure you find worthwhile and casually stow it away.
<pushStream id='loot'/>
You search the room and find:
(stowed in a voluminous black stalking cloak)
a kiramon mandible
Looted 1 items.
<popStream id='loot'/>
Avaia, player of
>loot area
With a discerning eye, you gather up what treasure you find worthwhile and casually stow it away.
<pushStream id='loot'/>
You search the room and find:
(stowed in a voluminous black stalking cloak)
a kiramon mandible
Looted 1 items.
<popStream id='loot'/>
Avaia, player of
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/28/2018 11:42 PM CDT
OOPS. That should be fixed, Avaia. I take it you are not a StormFront user?
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 12:00 AM CDT
Unlikely on the LOOT IGNORE front; I implemented this to be as simple as possible, and adding a whole configuration to LOOT was beyond the complexity I wanted. I assume players want all the loot. Filtering out the occasional herb after a hunt seems like a small price to pay for the feature.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 12:09 AM CDT
Yep, it's fixed. Thanks!
leads to another question, though. Now when I use LOOT AREA or LOOT ROOM I see this ...
>With a discerning eye, you gather up what treasure you find worthwhile and casually stow it away.
..and that's it. I rather liked the short list of what I picked up and where it was stowed. Is it possible that part can remain? Or was seeing it merely part of the unintended consequence?
Avaia, player of
leads to another question, though. Now when I use LOOT AREA or LOOT ROOM I see this ...
>With a discerning eye, you gather up what treasure you find worthwhile and casually stow it away.
..and that's it. I rather liked the short list of what I picked up and where it was stowed. Is it possible that part can remain? Or was seeing it merely part of the unintended consequence?
Avaia, player of
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 12:41 AM CDT
A shame about not being able to ignore unwanted item types.... besides herbs, I'll often leave behind other things because of their weight (heavy quartz orbs and those cubes) or lack of value ("ugly" clothing that the pawn refuses to buy).
While using LOOT ROOM with my ranger and skins set to be put in her auto-bundling I get the following when picking up the skin:
As you place your snake fang inside your mesh field pack, you notice another fang inside the pack and carefully arrange the two snake fangs into a neat bundle.
I could not find what you were referring to.
With a discerning eye, you gather up what treasure you find worthwhile and casually stow it away.
Aside from the message about not finding it, the fang is picked up, put in the container, and bundled, but the LOOT window doesn't reflect that it picked it up.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
While using LOOT ROOM with my ranger and skins set to be put in her auto-bundling I get the following when picking up the skin:
As you place your snake fang inside your mesh field pack, you notice another fang inside the pack and carefully arrange the two snake fangs into a neat bundle.
I could not find what you were referring to.
With a discerning eye, you gather up what treasure you find worthwhile and casually stow it away.
Aside from the message about not finding it, the fang is picked up, put in the container, and bundled, but the LOOT window doesn't reflect that it picked it up.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 12:44 AM CDT
I should add that if there isn't already a matching skin in the bag, the messaging is normal. I only get that for the second, third, etc skins put into the pack.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 09:28 AM CDT
Wow. Thank you for continued updates like this to the game. Now to get in the habit of not scripting my looting.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 10:07 AM CDT
You were seeing what is delivered to the loot window in StormFront. I will look into adding a FLAG to toggle detailed looting on and off for those who would prefer to see the list.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 10:12 AM CDT
Clothing is not picked up via LOOT ROOM so you shouldn't be burdened with that. Ignoring individual items is exactly what I was avoiding; that sort of thing greatly increases the complexity of this feature. Quartz orbs and moonstone cubes are classified as trinkets, which also includes things like: gold rings, crystal amulets, ruby amulets, small statues and blue/black/white crystals.
My suggestion is to have a container dedicated to miscellaneous loot and to sort through it manually after your hunt, but there will inevitably be some things you like and some you do not in many classes of loot.
My suggestion is to have a container dedicated to miscellaneous loot and to sort through it manually after your hunt, but there will inevitably be some things you like and some you do not in many classes of loot.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 10:36 AM CDT
Coming this eg, sack with a giant hole in the bottom. Anything you put in it goes directly to the floor.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 10:42 AM CDT
Ahahaha...okay, I want to make that a thing now. It might get weird since you would keep looting the item over and over again if you didn't move rooms.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 10:43 AM CDT
An idea, allow stow set forageable floor maybe?
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 10:58 AM CDT
<My suggestion is to have a container dedicated to miscellaneous loot and to sort through it manually after your hunt, but there will inevitably be some things you like and some you do not in many classes of loot.>
The reason I don't pick up quartz orbs is they're heavy (7 lbs last time I WEIGHed one), I'm trying to keep my encumbrance down, and their value doesn't off-set their weight. Following this suggestion wouldn't matter much for my giantkin warrior, but with my sorcerer or gnome where every lb matters I'm not only having to deal with the occasional extra weight of the orbs but the weight of whatever extra container I'd be carrying around all the time. I'll just just use GET and STORE to get whatever else drops at the same time the orbs do.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
The reason I don't pick up quartz orbs is they're heavy (7 lbs last time I WEIGHed one), I'm trying to keep my encumbrance down, and their value doesn't off-set their weight. Following this suggestion wouldn't matter much for my giantkin warrior, but with my sorcerer or gnome where every lb matters I'm not only having to deal with the occasional extra weight of the orbs but the weight of whatever extra container I'd be carrying around all the time. I'll just just use GET and STORE to get whatever else drops at the same time the orbs do.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 11:12 AM CDT
Is it possible to code a stow <backup container>? So if the main stow location is full, it'll automatically put it in the backup?
That'll be AWESOME
That'll be AWESOME
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 12:57 PM CDT
>My suggestion is to have a container dedicated to miscellaneous loot and to sort through it manually after your hunt, but there will inevitably be some things you like and some you do not in many classes of loot.
I find the best place to sort loot is on the ground. SF container windows are far fiddlier to work with than the story or room window. If only there was some way to tip this container's contents onto the ground rather than dragging and dropping them individually like I do with opened boxes at the moment ...
I find the best place to sort loot is on the ground. SF container windows are far fiddlier to work with than the story or room window. If only there was some way to tip this container's contents onto the ground rather than dragging and dropping them individually like I do with opened boxes at the moment ...
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 04:28 PM CDT
STOW HELP talks about setting a container by TYPE but nowhere does it tell me what TYPE should be.
Could the TYPE words be underlined to spit out a list or something?
Also ... why do I need to hold it?
stow gem purse
You aren't holding a leather purse.
Will stow on a gem not work unless the purse is in my hand?
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link:
Could the TYPE words be underlined to spit out a list or something?
Also ... why do I need to hold it?
stow gem purse
You aren't holding a leather purse.
Will stow on a gem not work unless the purse is in my hand?
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link:
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 04:37 PM CDT
>stow set
Which container did you wish to use to store stowed items?
Currently valid containers:
some blood red goat hide gloves (worn)
a red velvet backpack (worn)
a stylish leather belt (worn)
a leather sheath (worn)
a coal black sailcloth sack (worn)
You may also specify individual containers to hold the following specific classes of commonly stowed items.
-- Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Which container did you wish to use to store stowed items?
Currently valid containers:
some blood red goat hide gloves (worn)
a red velvet backpack (worn)
a stylish leather belt (worn)
a leather sheath (worn)
a coal black sailcloth sack (worn)
You may also specify individual containers to hold the following specific classes of commonly stowed items.
-- Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Re: You can take your LOOT and STOW it!
07/29/2018 08:13 PM CDT
Oooh, I was looking under help, because my stow set was already set!
thank you!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link:
thank you!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: