I noticed it late last year, when DR/DM was running: the loot in the area perked up.
And I've seen it again over this last week (possibly as early as Saturday or Sunday of last weekend, but I'm not positive it was enough to be obvious yet; definitely by the time we got to weekdays) as DM has been running. Treasure production is up.
The only thing I can really see as a likely contributor is that people are over there doing that, rather than running around the hunting areas killing critters.
Re: For what it's worth...
06/24/2017 08:05 AM CDT
Usually 3-4 days after an event starts, areas I normally see a few people visiting that I may also hunt with a character or two have better treasure drops. Areas where I'd normally end up with 15-25k a hunt, I end up with 35-50k a hunt.
Now is a great time to check your hunting grounds if you want a small boost to treasure you find.
Now is a great time to check your hunting grounds if you want a small boost to treasure you find.
Re: For what it's worth...
06/24/2017 12:51 PM CDT
Any new hunting area provides a general loot boost when it opens. If it remains open for long enough it can also cause a reduction in loot, but the way hunting pressure adjusts to new areas coming on stream always causes an initial boost.
Re: For what it's worth...
06/24/2017 02:03 PM CDT
That's not the point. The point being made here is that because everyone is in Delirum Manor (which is not a hunting ground), the loot in common hunting grounds is less pressured, and is better at the very moment, so you better get it while it's hot.
Re: For what it's worth...
06/24/2017 02:59 PM CDT
> the loot in common hunting grounds is less pressured, and is better at the very moment
Especially in the places where there is only 1 hunting ground for your range of levels, I'd guess! It makes sense. Now if it could only make me more time to GemStone this weekend!
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Especially in the places where there is only 1 hunting ground for your range of levels, I'd guess! It makes sense. Now if it could only make me more time to GemStone this weekend!
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"