Has there been something new introduced in the late couple weeks that people are hunting in the level 70-80 range?
I've always considered myself lucky if I got more then 4-5K a hunt where my rogue's been hunting... but lately the treasure there has gone through the roof. Of course, I suppose it could be because the current official story-line is happening in EN rather then the other side of the mountains.... either way, I'm not complaining.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: treasure boon
04/08/2017 08:08 AM CDT
Not that my actions alone would (should?) determine anything, but Fire Mages are in that level range and I was killing those for 5-6 hours straight less than two weeks back. Usually fire mages are pretty rich (and they seemed less so when I was done) so if a few other folks started farming them for greater essences of fires as well that could push the treasure higher for critters in your area.
Just a random guess.
-- Robert
A powerful whirlpool is suddenly overtaken by a windy vortex!
Just a random guess.
-- Robert
A powerful whirlpool is suddenly overtaken by a windy vortex!
Re: treasure boon
04/08/2017 09:02 AM CDT
If it went from bottom of the range to top of the range very fast, the most likely reason is a reset. Treasure gets put at the top of its range if it has to be reset for some reason. Your level range is lightly populated so individuals can shift it quite a bit, but the really big swings will still take a couple of weeks to happen if its down to storyline migration or an MA group levelling out of your range. (You can track what's happening pretty closely by noting the silver content of the boxes, thats quite a strong indicator of the tier the critter that dropped them is at. If it jumped 6 tiers from one day to the next, thats a reset. If its gone up 4 tiers over a couple of weeks, thats a population shift)
It looks to me like there's treasure migrating away from the storyline, (2 or 3 tier shift in my favor where I am tracking) so my guess is you are seeing that too.
It looks to me like there's treasure migrating away from the storyline, (2 or 3 tier shift in my favor where I am tracking) so my guess is you are seeing that too.
Re: treasure boon
04/08/2017 10:42 AM CDT
I believe there is a frequent Reim group in your level range. They would be killing far more creatures at your level range than you manage yourself.
Re: treasure boon
04/08/2017 02:43 PM CDT
>I believe there is a frequent Reim group in your level range. They would be killing far more creatures at your level range than you manage yourself.
Even though I shouldn't be, I'm surprised that a pay area is even susceptible to hunting pressure.
~ Methais
Even though I shouldn't be, I'm surprised that a pay area is even susceptible to hunting pressure.
~ Methais
Re: treasure boon
04/08/2017 02:51 PM CDT
>>Even though I shouldn't be, I'm surprised that a pay area is even susceptible to hunting pressure.
I've not bothered going back after my last visit resulted in 1/4 of the loot value I'd been used to.
>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom
I've not bothered going back after my last visit resulted in 1/4 of the loot value I'd been used to.
>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom
Re: treasure boon
04/09/2017 02:31 AM CDT
>>I believe there is a frequent Reim group in your level range. They would be killing far more creatures at your level range than you manage yourself.
>Even though I shouldn't be, I'm surprised that a pay area is even susceptible to hunting pressure.
Those of us hunting it are surprised to see the treasure dropping as badly as it has. Some fluctuation within the silvers generated from gems, but overall a downward trend where we are seeing about 25-30% of what we had been getting just a few months back.
Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, "You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra."
>Even though I shouldn't be, I'm surprised that a pay area is even susceptible to hunting pressure.
Those of us hunting it are surprised to see the treasure dropping as badly as it has. Some fluctuation within the silvers generated from gems, but overall a downward trend where we are seeing about 25-30% of what we had been getting just a few months back.
Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, "You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra."
Re: treasure boon
04/09/2017 05:50 AM CDT
I'm kind of surprised hunting pressure would be tied into a paid event's hunting grounds. If that's actually the case and not the result of tweaking Reim it's self, I'm not gonna complain, though. I have no problem letting others pay to boost my loot.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: treasure boon
04/09/2017 06:19 AM CDT
I'd assumed that Reim had been reviewed and some aspects of its treasure drastically downtweaked (since I reckoned it was well into the "please farm me" range and once it started getting farmed this would happen). I'm not even sure the warcamp/Reim/bandit style of spawn to level critter is amenable to being tied into the hunting pressure system and I suspect they have to have their own rules. Reim is supposed to be a quest area, and so it ought to have its own rules too.
General drops in capped Reim I reckon at about 25% what they used to be, but Boss loot still seems about the same, the Bosses just got made nastier instead of having their loot taken away.
General drops in capped Reim I reckon at about 25% what they used to be, but Boss loot still seems about the same, the Bosses just got made nastier instead of having their loot taken away.