Years ago, I asked for (and got) adjectives added to adjectiveless (or more accurately, middle 15-less in the 15/15/15 character item description) gems: an emerald, a ruby, a piece of amber, an amethyst.
Would it be possible to have an adjective added to a firestone and a sardonyx, as well? They are, to my knowledge, the last two middle-15-less gems in Elanthia.
The current lack causes some sorting and manipulation issues.
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 03:13 PM CST
I'd be fine with this if there were still plain firestones out there after the change. I like simple things, and I like my plain ones for joola/veola/insert-gem-here items! I actually found a couple plain "emeralds" on an old character the other day and wondered when/why "uncut" was added.
The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!
The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 03:14 PM CST
I also like plain firestones as they are and wouldn't want them changed.
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 03:29 PM CST
Personally, I don't care either way, but let me at least explain what goes on with them so we have a reason other than "I like them. They shouldn't change."
When you have multiple descriptions of the same gem, let's say "a firestone" and at so-and-so festival, you dig up (or whatever) a black-streaked firestone.
Now you've got 10 or 12 "black-streaked firestones" in your pouch, and one firestone. You want just the plain firestone, however, you keep getting the black-streaked ones when you try to fish it out.
Now, that is a fact-based reason to change them. Any non-fact ones other than "I don't want them changed?"
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 03:35 PM CST
Alright, let's go with the emeralds, diamonds, and whatever else was mentioned. How would you differentiate those?
Maybe this is just one of those worst things ever. I just like when people deal with facts rather than "I don't like that."
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 03:35 PM CST
Yes, exactly the reason expressed by the poster above me, which is that less is more and simple gems are appreciated for gem-altering items.
I always keep festival gems entirely separate from standard treasure loot containers, but that's just me taking personal responsibility for working with the systems we have. A firestone, unlike ruby, emerald, or diamond, does not naturally have other variations in different towns, so I feel it's not the same problem at all.
I always keep festival gems entirely separate from standard treasure loot containers, but that's just me taking personal responsibility for working with the systems we have. A firestone, unlike ruby, emerald, or diamond, does not naturally have other variations in different towns, so I feel it's not the same problem at all.
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 05:10 PM CST
I'm curious why there aren't NPC gemcutters in the game who can modify (or add or remove) the adjectives on a standard gem for a nominal fee. Removing "uncut" on certain gems is the simplest example, but a number of descriptive words could be added, or replaced, without sacrificing anything about the gem itself. Or, maybe these already exist in the game? I'm a little hazy on this, and I'm sure it'd been brought up in the distant past. The existing cutters sholdn't be impacted by this -- those seem to be more motif-oriented, while the standard gemcutter is just for simple adjectives. This way, the default item name could conform for mechanics reasons, yet players would have a pretty simple option to style them.
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/21/2017 05:15 PM CST
There are gem cutter scripted items in the game. You find a gem cutter, load a preconfigured pattern in it, and it adds/changes the gem to be "Pattern","gemstone". So a book-shaped pattern would make a book-shaped ruby.
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/22/2017 03:46 AM CST
The lack of an adjective causes syntax problems. If you need a simple gem for joola or other gem showing clothing you could always get one altered to remove the adjectives. Of course I love the idea of having the option to use a pattern-less gem cutter to remove all adjectives from any gem as well. Bottom line adding adjectives solves a problem with these gems and an alterer solves the "simple gem" concern.
Keith is correct
Wyrom, APM
Keith is correct
Wyrom, APM
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/22/2017 04:26 AM CST
Its the nuggets I find most painful to deal with. Same name (except for the article which syntax ignores) but different gems. There's a few FWI gems with syntax issues too.
Re: Request for slight change in gem names
02/22/2017 03:23 PM CST
An adjective removing pattern for gem cutters is a great idea.