I know this has been brought up before.... but why is this included in the list of metals that the weapons critters spawn with can be made of?
Luckily, most of my characters carry pure potions just in case I accidentally grab one of these. Even so, this is one of the most frustrating things that can happen when hunting. You can't drop them and, unless you happen to train in the weapon base that was dropped and picked it up with your right hand, your DS is dropped to dangerous levels. Further, if you're hunting undead, your hunt is over until you can get rid of it cause they can't be blessed... and they always seem to drop right at the beginning of a hunt.
If every town sold pure potions, I could understand including it, but only the most populated towns do. Smaller towns, where one can go days without seeing a cleric, often don't (River's Rest doesn't even sell them in the cleric guild and I don't see them listed in any of Zul's shops on the wiki). In towns like the Landing black ora might just be an annoyance, but in other towns this can make a character unplayable unless they find a player shop that sells pure potions.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 02:26 PM CST
Do you just snatch up loot? There is no problem if you don't pick it up and don't want to handle neutralizing/removing the curse.
You can carry a pure potion in advance.
You can carry treasure dropped or event shop items or scrolls to handle it (neutralize/remove curse)
You can find a player cleric.
You have have a warrior disarm you.
If you're in Voln, you can try to bless it and see if it drops to the floor (I forget if that works for black ora or only for TD/weighted//padded/unblessable type items).
I've been in situations where they've dropped and I grabbed one away from a large town (quests) so I understand but there are many ways to solve the problem rather than removing the situation/puzzle that are little things that make a game a game. So, I learned and always carry an edible from EG or other events and usually keep the treasure find jewelry items until I've exhausted their charges. I don't bother with saving the scrolls but that is another option if you have enough ranks for one handed invokes.
When in a large town I have the option of not picking it up, but invariably do on the gamble that perhaps it has another enhancive or other property that makes it valuable as an orb or for sale. Usually it is junk and a loss after buying a pure potion but that was my gamble.
You can carry a pure potion in advance.
You can carry treasure dropped or event shop items or scrolls to handle it (neutralize/remove curse)
You can find a player cleric.
You have have a warrior disarm you.
If you're in Voln, you can try to bless it and see if it drops to the floor (I forget if that works for black ora or only for TD/weighted//padded/unblessable type items).
I've been in situations where they've dropped and I grabbed one away from a large town (quests) so I understand but there are many ways to solve the problem rather than removing the situation/puzzle that are little things that make a game a game. So, I learned and always carry an edible from EG or other events and usually keep the treasure find jewelry items until I've exhausted their charges. I don't bother with saving the scrolls but that is another option if you have enough ranks for one handed invokes.
When in a large town I have the option of not picking it up, but invariably do on the gamble that perhaps it has another enhancive or other property that makes it valuable as an orb or for sale. Usually it is junk and a loss after buying a pure potion but that was my gamble.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 03:03 PM CST
I would mind them less if there were a way to REMOVE the curse, rather than Neutralize it, that a non-Cleric character could effect. (I got one stuck to my [left] hand some time in the last month or two.)
And, Starchitin, a suggestion? Sling your shield, rather than putting your weapon away, to pick up loot.
(I realize that the advent of Shield Use and larger size shields means this can still be a whacking big delta in DS, but even so it's typically not as much as fully trained in weapon + Enchant of weapon... and it completely gets around the "I picked up the wrong kind of weapon" issue. Sure, it's still stuck to your off-hand, but at least you still have the weapon that you ARE trained in, in the correct hand. Note that it doesn't do a whole hell of a lot for bow-users, though....)
And, Starchitin, a suggestion? Sling your shield, rather than putting your weapon away, to pick up loot.
(I realize that the advent of Shield Use and larger size shields means this can still be a whacking big delta in DS, but even so it's typically not as much as fully trained in weapon + Enchant of weapon... and it completely gets around the "I picked up the wrong kind of weapon" issue. Sure, it's still stuck to your off-hand, but at least you still have the weapon that you ARE trained in, in the correct hand. Note that it doesn't do a whole hell of a lot for bow-users, though....)
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 03:55 PM CST
I can't think of the last time I've accidentally picked up black ora, but regardless, on top of Roblar's other suggestions:
If you're an empath, I think you can give it to your spirit servant (although it's gonna hurt when the servant gives it back).
There are also a lot of non-warriors around who train disarm for defensive purposes who could knock it free for you. If you're better trained than them, you need to do some stupid things to get yourself vulnerable enough to be disarmed (e.g. casting bind on yourself, taking 64k (400lbs) of silvers out of the bank).
If you know you're prone to pick up cursed items and pure potions aren't available in your town, hand some pure gems to a cleric and ask them to bless them with 315. If a bard isn't handy, try a few tiny pearls or star sapphires/rubies.
In RR, you can hop the boat to Solhaven, which shouldn't involve PvE conflict is a more reliable option than "wait for days doing nothing in hopes a cleric shows up".
>I would mind them less if there were a way to REMOVE the curse, rather than Neutralize it, that a non-Cleric character could effect.
Scrolls, gems. If you've only got a pure potion, just buy a cheap sheath, close the thing in, and wait for a cleric to come uncurse for real. Or drop it directly in the trash.
If you're an empath, I think you can give it to your spirit servant (although it's gonna hurt when the servant gives it back).
There are also a lot of non-warriors around who train disarm for defensive purposes who could knock it free for you. If you're better trained than them, you need to do some stupid things to get yourself vulnerable enough to be disarmed (e.g. casting bind on yourself, taking 64k (400lbs) of silvers out of the bank).
If you know you're prone to pick up cursed items and pure potions aren't available in your town, hand some pure gems to a cleric and ask them to bless them with 315. If a bard isn't handy, try a few tiny pearls or star sapphires/rubies.
In RR, you can hop the boat to Solhaven, which shouldn't involve PvE conflict is a more reliable option than "wait for days doing nothing in hopes a cleric shows up".
>I would mind them less if there were a way to REMOVE the curse, rather than Neutralize it, that a non-Cleric character could effect.
Scrolls, gems. If you've only got a pure potion, just buy a cheap sheath, close the thing in, and wait for a cleric to come uncurse for real. Or drop it directly in the trash.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 04:03 PM CST
"If a bard isn't handy, try a few tiny pearls or star sapphires/rubies." -- PFlats
In the last week or so, I have taken to Purifying the 'crap gems' (above about 600) that I had just been selling off from the Bard.
(Everyone else still does just sell them off, but since he's just sitting around absorbing with mana going to waste...)
(And the GOOD gems, I was already saving--from everyone, and handing them to him--for Purifying.)
So I have recently had occasion to across some star sapphires that were ~1000-1250(-ish) in value, and NOT orbs.
Tiny pearls, however, continue to be reliable in their orbiness.
In the last week or so, I have taken to Purifying the 'crap gems' (above about 600) that I had just been selling off from the Bard.
(Everyone else still does just sell them off, but since he's just sitting around absorbing with mana going to waste...)
(And the GOOD gems, I was already saving--from everyone, and handing them to him--for Purifying.)
So I have recently had occasion to across some star sapphires that were ~1000-1250(-ish) in value, and NOT orbs.
Tiny pearls, however, continue to be reliable in their orbiness.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 04:47 PM CST
<Or drop it directly in the trash.>
Gasp! Pure potion/neutralize, limited window to pawnshop. Recoup some of the coins at least.
Also if you are warrior (I know you're not but this is for others), warrior trick draw should move it to your offhand if that hand is empty so that either your ready list or bonded weapon (both in my case so never tested) will take priority. Then you can fight one handed (or any of the steps mentioned post picking it up).
Gasp! Pure potion/neutralize, limited window to pawnshop. Recoup some of the coins at least.
Also if you are warrior (I know you're not but this is for others), warrior trick draw should move it to your offhand if that hand is empty so that either your ready list or bonded weapon (both in my case so never tested) will take priority. Then you can fight one handed (or any of the steps mentioned post picking it up).
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 05:04 PM CST
<Do you just snatch up loot? There is no problem if you don't pick it up and don't want to handle neutralizing/removing the curse.>
The problem is more that I don't think of the properties of black ora until it's too late. If it were presented as "black-ora" it would probably be different, but as it is I just have a hard time not seeing "black ora" as a color of the metal rather then a different metal entirely...esp when something else wanders in and I'm trying to get prepared to resume combat or run from the room in a hurry. Today, for example, something wandered in and cast a cloud, so I was trying to get everything and get out before it finished forming.
<If you're in Voln, you can try to bless it and see if it drops to the floor (I forget if that works for black ora>
Yea, I tried that in the field so I could finish my hunt.... it doesn't work.
As for the other suggestions, I addressed a couple of them in my OP and I WAS prepared because I've had it happen before. Just poured a pure potion on it in the pawn and sold it before it wore off. That didn't mean it wasn't frustrating when I had to end my hunt after just a couple critters and run back to town to deal with it... and I'm also thinking of folk that might not be prepared for it.
Not to mention it feels like a cruel prank far more then something ment to add fun to the game. I've spend the vast majority of the time I've played GS in RR, I'm used to and even enjoy drawbacks and challenges folk that have spent the majority of their time in other towns don't have to deal with (I even pitched a fit when RR got a NPC cleric until I realized how much of a pain it is). This just doesn't make me feel all bubbly inside like those other things do.
<And, Starchitin, a suggestion? Sling your shield, rather than putting your weapon away, to pick up loot.>
That really wouldn't help at all for the couple characters I have that use a shield. Most of the areas I hunt have at least one critter that cast bolts or uses ranged attacks, so I'd be MORE vulnerable without my shield then I would be with the wrong weapon base in my right hand. My runestaff users do use their left hand to pick up loot, so I COULD continue a hunt with them in theory, but the places I hunt are challenging enough without a handicap like that. The only way I can think that this would be advantageous would be if the Cutter and chronomages both require the ticket/orb to be in the right hand if I needed to leave the Rest to get a pure potion (I honestly don't know if this is the case or not, every time I've used either the item has been in the right hand).
PS I'm surprised no one suggested highlighting "black ora" in red.... which is what I did after making that post. Hopefully it will help.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
The problem is more that I don't think of the properties of black ora until it's too late. If it were presented as "black-ora" it would probably be different, but as it is I just have a hard time not seeing "black ora" as a color of the metal rather then a different metal entirely...esp when something else wanders in and I'm trying to get prepared to resume combat or run from the room in a hurry. Today, for example, something wandered in and cast a cloud, so I was trying to get everything and get out before it finished forming.
<If you're in Voln, you can try to bless it and see if it drops to the floor (I forget if that works for black ora>
Yea, I tried that in the field so I could finish my hunt.... it doesn't work.
As for the other suggestions, I addressed a couple of them in my OP and I WAS prepared because I've had it happen before. Just poured a pure potion on it in the pawn and sold it before it wore off. That didn't mean it wasn't frustrating when I had to end my hunt after just a couple critters and run back to town to deal with it... and I'm also thinking of folk that might not be prepared for it.
Not to mention it feels like a cruel prank far more then something ment to add fun to the game. I've spend the vast majority of the time I've played GS in RR, I'm used to and even enjoy drawbacks and challenges folk that have spent the majority of their time in other towns don't have to deal with (I even pitched a fit when RR got a NPC cleric until I realized how much of a pain it is). This just doesn't make me feel all bubbly inside like those other things do.
<And, Starchitin, a suggestion? Sling your shield, rather than putting your weapon away, to pick up loot.>
That really wouldn't help at all for the couple characters I have that use a shield. Most of the areas I hunt have at least one critter that cast bolts or uses ranged attacks, so I'd be MORE vulnerable without my shield then I would be with the wrong weapon base in my right hand. My runestaff users do use their left hand to pick up loot, so I COULD continue a hunt with them in theory, but the places I hunt are challenging enough without a handicap like that. The only way I can think that this would be advantageous would be if the Cutter and chronomages both require the ticket/orb to be in the right hand if I needed to leave the Rest to get a pure potion (I honestly don't know if this is the case or not, every time I've used either the item has been in the right hand).
PS I'm surprised no one suggested highlighting "black ora" in red.... which is what I did after making that post. Hopefully it will help.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 07:13 PM CST
That all said, if all the cleric shops would stock pure potions, it would avoid all the trouble AND then everyone could have them for all their uses.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 07:25 PM CST
Yea, they all should in backrooms. Solved!
And treasure system doesn't become even more bland.
And treasure system doesn't become even more bland.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 07:54 PM CST
<That all said, if all the cleric shops would stock pure potions>
Unfortunately not all towns have cleric shops.... though it would help if all the cleric guild shops sold them. Getting a cleric to buy a couple for me would be far easier then finding a bard to sing up an orb or traveling to the Landing to buy one myself. Or the alchemist shops could sell them in towns that don't have a cleric shop.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Unfortunately not all towns have cleric shops.... though it would help if all the cleric guild shops sold them. Getting a cleric to buy a couple for me would be far easier then finding a bard to sing up an orb or traveling to the Landing to buy one myself. Or the alchemist shops could sell them in towns that don't have a cleric shop.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 08:53 PM CST
I like the idea of the alchemist's shop.
Or, is it an Alchemy recipe? (If not, COULD it be?) Maybe a PlayerShop has them stocked...
Or, is it an Alchemy recipe? (If not, COULD it be?) Maybe a PlayerShop has them stocked...
Re: Black ora
12/07/2016 09:04 PM CST
There is an alchemy recipe on the wiki.... though, it has to be made during the day, most would have to travel for the skin needed, and another ingredient looks hard to come by: https://gswiki.play.net/Pure_potion
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.