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Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/08/2016 05:50 PM CST
>I'm mainly commenting on the line about sparking "things for the GMs to react off". Can't we get more of that? If we have story telling around the fire or imprompto role-playing moments we've created, why is none of it noticed or acknowledged. I od remember years ago receiving award after award for our efforts. Nowadays, nothing! Just negative comments if we're doing something our guru isn't fond of.....less restriction and more promotion of rp efforts!

It's hard for GMs to respond to things when they don't know it's happening.

I think a LOT of us forget about the ROLEPLAY NOMINATE verb. It sends a nice message up to the GMs saying, "Hey. Awesomeness going on, right here!"

(I'm as guilty as anybody - I always forget it exists, so I never user it either.)

Raelee and her Strings

>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, "See? Raelee knows all."
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/08/2016 08:04 PM CST
I'm all for the idea of set days and times for events. Like one set night every week between 6-9pm. Yeah, some people will not be able to make it due to different schedules but you'll never be able to accommodate everyone every time there is an event. At least with a set schedule people can make arrangements to be present.

As for player run events... I'm fine with CHE/MHO type of stuff. What I'd rather not get into is "made up" stuff that is not official. For example a few years back someone started up some story, completely unofficial, that involved NPCs in an official story. Essentially someone said they saw something they really didn't see and tried to pass it off as official which threw a lot of people off. In the end the person was ultimately discovered to be lying about something and it just really went downhill for everyone. I'm all for creating a fun atmosphere but please please lets not fabricate and try to pass it off as official.

Chad, player of a few
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/09/2016 12:21 AM CST
>It's hard for GMs to respond to things when they don't know it's happening. --- Raelee's player

That brings up a good point: If one town guru sees a ROLEPLAY NOMINATE float across his/her screen, and the roleplay's taking place in a different town, does the guru who sees the RP reward it?

>What I'd rather not get into is "made up" stuff that is not official. --- Chad

"Made-up" stuff sometimes becomes official (e.g., the Huntress and the Dhe'Nar), so there's definitely a place for it in the game. I get what you mean, though. I've heard of people misrepresenting their player-driven activities as part of GM-run story arcs, which becomes a problem when the GM takes the story in a different direction and leaves the people following the "false prophet" out of the official loop. Many GMs are eager to weave player-generated threads into their overall narratives -- and I'd hope all of them would be at least somewhat open to it -- but it takes communication.

As someone with a days-old email invitation to lunch that I still haven't answered for no discernible reason, I'm probably not the right person to talk about better communication, but it really is important to keeping players invested and GMs informed.
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/09/2016 01:19 AM CST
<<That brings up a good point: If one town guru sees a ROLEPLAY NOMINATE float across his/her screen, and the roleplay's taking place in a different town, does the guru who sees the RP reward it?

Every GM that is logged into that instance sees the messaging, unless they have it squelched (extremely doubtful) or it gets lost in the screen scroll from many other things that pop up.

So technically any GM could look into what's going on and possibly bring forth a reward. It doesn't have to be the specific GM in charge of guru'ing that specific town.

Forums Manager
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/09/2016 09:55 AM CST
<I get what you mean, though. I've heard of people misrepresenting their player-driven activities as part of GM-run story arcs, which becomes a problem when the GM takes the story in a different direction and leaves the people following the "false prophet" out of the official loop. Many GMs are eager to weave player-generated threads into their overall narratives -- and I'd hope all of them would be at least somewhat open to it -- but it takes communication.>

It's pretty much unavoidable that there be a certain amount of player driven content in official story arcs for the simple reason that the players involved in the story-line are going to incorporate it into their regular RP and will be recounting the events to those that weren't there to witness it themselves (usually at least slightly distorted by their character's POV). Hopefully, GMs continue watching from the shadows for a while after their NPC has left the stage to see how players run with what happened.

What I can understand people having a problem with, though, would be if someone took it so far as to deliberately try to pass their character off as an official NPC. It's not something I've seen myself, though I can see how it could be possible now that we have access to feature altering potions and so many more titles then in years past.

What I have seen happen is GM's collaborating with some of the more skilled player RPers to have them help move the plot along or keep players engaged in between the appearances of GM-run characters. I could also see how this could be confused by some as a player trying to hijack the story, esp if the player was tasked with keeping others from discovering certain plot twists too early.


A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/09/2016 10:48 AM CST
Something important to remember about ROLEPLAY NOMINATE: Do it as soon as you can. We need to see what's going on. If you do it after everything's over, the chances of anything coming of the nomination are slim, since there's most likely nothing for us to witness. We can't see everything that happens everywhere, so help us out and show us what you see when you see it!

~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/09/2016 10:58 AM CST

I've been trying to remember to use ROLEPLAY NOMINATE more, because there is so much more available these days than there ever was in the past for players that actually want to RP. There are also a lot more zombies - please don't sleep in public places! Although, one of my characters did get an award for offering coffee to the apparent homeless loitering in the town square once.

That said, I think having someone maybe manage storyline/RP events could certainly allow for greater spread of instances across the lands and hopefully scheduling so different times for all timezones. I love the stuff happening in the Landing, don't get me wrong, but it's a killer on my schedule and for those of you who might occasionally sneak into the game during the day in the is...basically nothing. The other towns need some love too and I think it would be great to see some cross town RP storylines.I know there was some during CIS but even that was limited and most in the EN never knew anything about it.

If anything it would bring some of those that do just hang in the landing out to explore and meet others in the other towns hopefull resulting in more people visiting those towns in the future and allowing for greater chances of RP for those people too. Meh.. I just see a new structure as a net plus..not taking anything away, but actually expanding storyline availability and great possibility of RP overall.
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/09/2016 05:54 PM CST

If you get so caught up int he awesome roleplay that you totally forget to ROLEPLAY NOMINATE, you can alwasy try awarding a 'Golden Kobold' instead.

heh ... golden kobolds get noted by more than the GMS too.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/10/2016 11:28 AM CST
>So I squeeze out all I can. (That sounds gross, or dirty, not sure which one more)

That's what your diaper is for.

~ Methais
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/12/2016 01:11 PM CST
Thanks for bringing a little bit of storyline to RR, Kenstrom. It's really appreciated. At least, until RR burns to the ground and demons leap out of every bush later on.

The deathbot will come back eventually.

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/14/2016 06:57 PM CDT
<< At least, until RR burns to the ground and demons leap out of every bush later on.

Stormyrain and Bekke can come visit, you know..


<<Pylasar pins an honorary citizenship badge on the haughty black cat.>>
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/14/2016 09:06 PM CDT

>Stormyrain and Bekke can come visit, you know..

Bekke has a spontaneous combustion problem. I don't want the great chicago fire hitting RR. :P
That would really tick the pirates off.
Just saying.
Re: Reorganizing the Town Guru System 03/22/2016 11:59 AM CDT
>>Every GM that is logged into that instance sees the messaging, unless they have it squelched (extremely doubtful) or it gets lost in the screen scroll from many other things that pop up.

Not just extremely doubtful, but it should not happen at all. I have it highlighted, in fact, so it jumps out at me. Someone should peek in on these, but like Kynlee mentioned, if the RP is over, we can't see anything to reward. So do it while it's happening!

APM, Events & World Development

Dear My Favoritest Liia,
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my barbie-loving soul can reach... (even when you set me on fire)
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