NPR has a story this evening about a new biography of Gary Gygax.
Re: NPR Story on Gary Gygax
10/27/2015 11:25 PM CDT
Oh man, I recently found my box of old gaming books. Player's Guide, Dungeon Master's Guide, Fiend Folio, Blackmoor and Greyhawk, tons of modules, Dragon Magazines... unfortunately I lost all my dice!
Chad, player of a few
Chad, player of a few
Re: NPR Story on Gary Gygax
10/28/2015 08:52 AM CDT
The good news is, dice are cheap. :)
The better news is, if you're willing to part with those, the old original versions frequently fetch a pretty penny.
The better news is, if you're willing to part with those, the old original versions frequently fetch a pretty penny.
Re: NPR Story on Gary Gygax
10/28/2015 09:27 AM CDT
<< The better news is, if you're willing to part with those, the old original versions frequently fetch a pretty penny. >>
Really? I have some of the AD&D manuals in good condition. If I remember correctly, I have the GM guide, a couple of monster manuals, a fiend folio, and probably another one or two. I imagine you are referring to earlier books, though.
Really? I have some of the AD&D manuals in good condition. If I remember correctly, I have the GM guide, a couple of monster manuals, a fiend folio, and probably another one or two. I imagine you are referring to earlier books, though.
Re: NPR Story on Gary Gygax
10/28/2015 09:28 AM CDT
Yeah, things like The White Box (with its three vellum-looking books), and so forth.
Re: NPR Story on Gary Gygax
11/07/2015 06:16 PM CST
<< The better news is, if you're willing to part with those, the old original versions frequently fetch a pretty penny. >>
A buddy of mine still has one of those old 1e DMGs with the Monster Manual misprinted pages inside.
A buddy of mine still has one of those old 1e DMGs with the Monster Manual misprinted pages inside.