TWC hurling 03/21/2012 10:48 AM CDT

I would like the option of training TWC and not hurling the off hand everytime. Some situations would call for a hurler to keep a gauche or other weapon in the off hand, and sometimes you could want to hurl both. Or you could be training TWC and hurling as a side thing and you don't want the second weapon hurled ever.

"set hurl one"

You are now only hurling with your main hand

"set hurl two"

You are now hurling with both hands (if sufficiently trained)

Think of it as a grip command for hurlers.
Re: TWC hurling 03/21/2012 12:05 PM CDT
If this was put in I'd suggest making it work with both thrown and melee TWC. Leave the option to just swing the mainhand weapon (lower RT) while still holding the offhand for defensive purposes.


Five Jewish men who influenced the history of Wester Civilization:
Moses said the law is everything.
Jesus said love is everything.
Marx said capital is everything.
Freud said sex is everything.
Einstein said everything is relative.
Re: TWC hurling 03/21/2012 03:49 PM CDT
TWC hurling encumbrance could use some tweaks too.

(Shield hurling in conjunction would one/two hurl setting would be nice too. And suggested bunches)

Re: TWC hurling 03/24/2012 08:15 AM CDT
Thinking about it more in depth, I feel its necessary when it comes to thrown and TWC to have options.

Rogues are encouraged by the low cost for both of these skills to train both. I've had a lot of fun with TWC and now i'm moving on to hurling and I would specifically like to not throw my off hand weapon just because i'm holding TWC instead of a shield.

This would leave me defenseless (and would probably look awkward if i'm holding a gauche or perfect weapon and throw it away) and would also incur RT penalties. It also (I assume) doubles your chance of getting pushed from hiding since you hurl twice in one go.

So in summation, need verb for twc/hurling (like grip) to save on; 1) defense 2) valuables 3) timeliness 4) stealth
