Warcamp Loot and Loot Boosts 04/22/2016 12:05 AM CDT
Ok, I've been trying to do some research on how warcamps work. I've been able to raze about six camps so far and finally getting the hang of it. I just have a couple minor questions regarding the loot. I know treasure pressure systems for standard loot in the normal wilds does not affect grimswarm loot. I have a general idea of how loot is calculated in the wilds, shared tables, movement of treasure due to pressure etc (from the wiki saved posts). I had a few specifics regarding grimswarm loot in general. Just hoping to maybe get some kind of official response please.

1. Do Loot Boosts have any benefit for grimswarm loot? Should you use them right before you search the chest, or should you instead use them while you're actually killing the mobs? Does it have any effect whatsoever?

2. If I do camps in landing, does that affect any treasure pressure on the grimswarm loot tables at all? Are the tables separate for each town or zone or is it one giant table based on pure random luck (along with some hidden factors, like max value output over a certain amount of time?)

3. If I'm doing warcamps as a max level, and some lower level player comes into the camp does it affect the treasure generation or just the creature generation? Or is creature generation based on level of players, and treasure is again just purely random?

4. I know camps are everywhere, but there are times when people might step on each others toes unwittingly in the process of camping. Is there anyway that when using the Sigil of Location it could tell you if any players have killed grimswarm in this camp within the last 48 hours? It would be a huge help to avoid accidentally messing up someones camp they've been working hard on.

Thank you!

Re: Warcamp Loot and Loot Boosts 04/22/2016 03:21 PM CDT
Also, does doing warcamps while grouped with same level adventurers also increase loot like in the regular wilds?
