Warcamp death 03/28/2015 01:18 AM CDT
There's nothing more frustrating then coming across a warcamp with zero grim inside. I used to think someone was inside collecting their boxes but then met several people over the years who like to keep an empty camp open to do tasks in safely(search the chests, rescue someone). I dont really care if they intend to do them like that but if an area has 2 camps in it and one is left empty the area gets screwed over so i usually raze them if i run across them more than once. Is there a mechanic that could be implemented to, I dunno, after 45 minutes the camp gets looted by scavengers and is removed?
Re: Warcamp death 03/30/2015 02:42 AM CDT
I try not to do this, but having my main character not in GoS, I only check the spawn or intentionally kill all the creatures in the camp when I am aware that the spawn is dwindling.

So if you ever encountered this problem near RR, it might be my mistake.

But it sounds to me like, if the camp population went to 0, and there's no one inside, then after some time (45 minutes sounds fine, but anything from 20 minutes to an hour or so is also reasonable) then either the camp is gone or begins to spawn again. Not sure at all about the back end code to deal with it, but I get exactly the problem you are thinking. Don't want to torch a camp if someone is inside, confused about the situation, etc.

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