Newsby/TownCrier 02/15/2018 01:09 PM CST
This may not be the right topic, and if so, apologies, feel free to move ye olde post.

While I know that Newsby is unofficial and unaffiliated with Simutronics, much in the way that we discuss how invaluable Lich can be to the game for some players, I wanted to note that Newsby/TownCrier should get a medal or a free account or a medal made of free accounts or something. In full honesty, I've wavered back and forth on keeping my account open (not for any particular complaint or reason other than other demands on my time), but the daily emails, links, and reader's digest updates on what's going on absolutely keep me engaged. And, when I am interested in an event, it's truly useful to be able to just click the links and see the GSWiki information and not have to google around and find people to ask what the hell I am doing.

It's flat out amazing and should be something that Simutronics takes to heart for GS, DR and anything else.

Re: Newsby/TownCrier 02/15/2018 01:23 PM CST
>>It's flat out amazing

100.times ^

Re: Newsby/TownCrier 02/15/2018 10:57 PM CST
Yes, we are very appreciative of the work that goes into this and have offered some rewards for it.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Newsby/TownCrier 02/15/2018 11:14 PM CST
Thank you Xanith and Doug. The TownCrier team found this message while I was at the office today and were proudly sharing the link and post!

We appreciate your kind words and the sweetest sentiments. A LOT! It truly takes a team to accomplish all of this. 2018 is my year of team-building and training so that I can have more time for RP and writing!

We celebrate the second anniversary of Newsby going online with the first newsfeed next month! You guys have made it all worth while!


Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
;tune towncrier

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