Dear GMs SHATTERED IS AWESOME! 12/13/2017 12:17 PM CST

Hi, i posted in the shattered forums. I then asked a question on Discord. Elstid suggested that I post my question on the forums. I did, shattered forums. Nobody looks at them. So i went back to discord and asked again and this time Haliste suggested that I post on the regular forums.

Anyway, GM interaction in shattered is on an at will basis. So we're looking for the GM or GMs who have that will. Who wants to have some fun with shattered? We don't want much. It's just clear that there was GM interraction because there's a guy named Pappy Qua-something and The one true lord Something something.

there are weapons in the player shops. I'm level 38 using imflass. We need some drops. Plus, it's this outside world where we can be OOC, but i'm not using a stuffed marlin to bash things, i use a mattock. Now that's just unreasonable. A fish would have such a better AvD.

thanks guys and gals!

Re: Dear GMs SHATTERED IS AWESOME! 12/13/2017 02:51 PM CST

I would totally play shattered if I could do so for free as a premium subscriber, and, if OOC was not allowed (or maybe if RP was encouraged there). The lack of PvP in GemStone is something I miss from the old days. I've even hoped that there was a fight club in Prime where one could just agree to sign up for free-for-all world pvp and have those names highlighted. When I want Pvp, I usually go play Eve.

But this is the holidays man, the GM's are probably really busy taking care of their lives. You should try to post in January.
Re: Dear GMs SHATTERED IS AWESOME! 12/13/2017 10:09 PM CST

oh, yeah. This is called 'Planting the seed'.

Now it's up to me to keep it around on the topics, but try not to be annoying about it. Then by january, like three other guys in Shattered are like, "yeah, we're cool dudes and i'd like a chicken that shoots eggs from its rear rather than my now and arrow" and a GM thinks it's a funny idea, and looks back at the other posts and sees that we're cool dudes and the next thing you know, the game is even more fun. ba-boom.

good plan, right?
Re: Dear GMs SHATTERED IS AWESOME! 12/14/2017 03:21 AM CST

I guess it depends on how many of the weird ones are still employed at Simutronics. I wish you the best.