The monk steps aside with you saying, "It is good to see that you are continuing to free the undead from their prison. No matter how weary you become in this great struggle, you must remember that we have a noble quest. Without us, the undead will remain forever as they are. Now, listen carefully as I explain more to you."
The monk smiles broadly and says, "Now that you have honored Lady Oleani, you must once again honor Lord Cholen. Keep in mind always that Cholen is a lover of laughter and loves those who know how to laugh well. To complete the seventeenth task, gather an audience and take them to the roof of the museum."
You climb a long thick rope.
[Wehnimer's Museum, Rooftop - 15567]
The view from the rooftop extends all the way to the walls of Wehnimer's Landing and beyond. Exposed to the elements, this wind blown edifice juts up into the sky opposite the observatory tower on the eastern side of the museum. Protected from errant footfalls by metal rims, various stained glass skylights are set into the rough stone floor. An unobtrusive drainpipe is attached to the side of the building, leading rainwater away from the roof.
Also here: Seomanthe who is sitting
Obvious paths: none
Seomanthe smiles at you.
You casually observe your surroundings.
You strut about.
You loudly exclaim, "Who is here for a show, raise your hands!"
Seomanthe amusedly asks, "Care for musical acompaniment?"
Seomanthe shoots her hand into the air, waving it frantically, then uses her other hand to raise it even higher, her entire body wiggling with excitement.
You say, "Undoubtedly."
Seomanthe slings a bleached sandalwood ayr inlaid with thin strips of ivory off from over her shoulder.
Interlocking your fingers, you slowly extend your arms up over your head in a long, satisfying stretch.
Seomanthe carefully checks the strings of her ayr, plucking them lightly and adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched.
You sling an embossed illthorn greatshield over your shoulder.
You put a sigil-etched eonake handaxe in your sheath.
With a twinkle in her eye, Seomanthe begins a jaunty melody on her ayr.
You exclaim, "Now then!"
You say, "From the top."
(Sindaras slowly steps about the rooftop, slowly unbuckling his armor.)
Seomanthe skillfully picks up the tempo of her music, making it difficult to keep from tapping your toes to the beat.
You work your way out of some vultite augmented chain.
As you remove your augmented chain, it falls out of alignment.
Seomanthe gets a blank look on her face.
You wave your augmented chain around.
Seomanthe murmurs, "Oh dear."
You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.
You put some vultite augmented chain in your hooded cloak.
Seomanthe runs through the chorus twice, as if to make certain you will not be able to stop humming it anytime soon.
(Sindaras pulls aside his tunic, revealing his muscled physique.)
Seomanthe grins slowly.
You work your way out of a stiff-collared pristine white linen shirt.
Executing a precise run of masterful fingerwork, Seomanthe dances her light fingers over the strings of her ayr in a lighthearted run of harmonics.
Seomanthe worriedly exclaims, "I canna cover my eyes and play at the same time!"
You wave your pristine white shirt at Seomanthe.
Seomanthe laughs!
You dance around the room to music only you can hear.
You raise your pristine white shirt skyward!
Seomanthe plucks out the melody in a jaunty staccato, skipping over the flourished strums brightly.
You put a stiff-collared pristine white linen shirt in your green silk backpack.
You flex your muscles.
You proudly say, "Try not to avert your eyes."
Seomanthe laughs!
You strike a heroic pose.
Seomanthe launches into the next verse, this time adding in an impish harmony line that seems to tease the main theme along.
You stride a few steps forward.
You turn around.
You kneel down.
You crawl up to Seomanthe.
Seomanthe fidgets, glancing at you.
Making the beat of the song even more infectious, Seomanthe sharply thumps the belly of her ayr in time with the music.
(Sindaras growls at Seomathe, barring his teeth in mock display.)
Seomanthe laughs!
You pull on Seomanthe, trying to get her closer.
Putting a variation in her strum, Seomanthe runs through the verse and into a catchy chorus that will stick in your head for days.
You growl ferociously!
Seomanthe hurriedly informs, "I'ma married woman!"
You exclaim, "Not tonight you're not!"
Seomanthe lets out a yelp!
Seomanthe laughs!
(Sindaras leers at Seomathe, purring like a panther.)
You make a purring sound.
Seomanthe jaunts through the rambunctious refrain, the melody and descant playing along in a breathless game of musical tag.
You lean on Seomanthe.
You stand back up.
(Seomanthe edges away from you.)
You strut about.
You turn to face Seomanthe.
You say, "Now then."
You are wearing a ruby amulet, a ruby amulet, a hooded cloak, a crumbling stone tower pin, an embossed illthorn greatshield, a cypress green silk backpack, some white ora-studded gauntlets, an enruned gold ring, a golden silk sack, a lion skin sheath, some black leather pants, and some white ora-studded boots.
Seomanthe grins slowly.
Seomanthe skillfully picks up the tempo of her music, making it difficult to keep from tapping your toes to the beat.
Speaking to your leather pants, you say, "About these pesky pants."
You rub your leather pants.
Seomanthe frets.
You take a few steps to your left.
You take a few steps to your right.
You pull some black leather pants off your legs.
You wave your leather pants at Seomanthe.
With a final jaunty chord, Seomanthe stills the strings of her ayr.
Seomanthe lets out a yelp!
Seomanthe covers her eyes with her hands.
Seomanthe laughs!
You hear the laughter of a youth well up from nowhere. You glance around looking for the source, which defies you and only seems to cause the youth to laugh even harder. After a while, the voice fades away leaving you wondering if the youth was laughing at you or with you.
You are overwhelmed by a sudden tingling sensation that seems to course through your body. You feel intense satisfaction at a task well done.
(Sindaras girates vigorously, showing all he has for all to see.)
Seomanthe warns, "Look here, I don't think the gods need more stripshows than they already get."
Seomanthe gazes up into the heavens.
You tilt your head up.
You loudly exclaim, "Well. Seems i've garnered the attention of the gods!"
You belt out, "Wooo!"
Seomanthe prompts, "Back on please!"
You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.
You say, "Alright, alright."
Speaking to Seomanthe, you say, "Can't have you losing control of yourself."
You pull some black leather pants over your legs.
Seomanthe bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Seomanthe, "I'm so drunk."
Speaking to Seomanthe, you say, "I hope you enjoyed the show."
Seomanthe flatly says, "Oh yes, that would definitely be a problem."
Seomanthe slings a bleached sandalwood ayr inlaid with thin strips of ivory over her shoulder.
You bow to Seomanthe.
(OOC) Seomanthe's player whispers, "Lol."
Seomanthe says, "Good luck on the Path."
Speaking sincerely to Seomanthe, you say, "My thanks for your aid, m'lady."
Seomanthe chuckles.
Seomanthe says, "Of course."
Seomanthe stands up.
Seomanthe turns toward you and renders you a sharp hand salute.
Seomanthe stands up.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Seomanthe, "Haha. I'll remember this until the day I day."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Seomanthe, "Die, rather. Thanks again."
Seomanthe turns toward you and renders you a sharp hand salute.
You climb a drainpipe.
[Path to Enlightenment - 18196]
More of the elegant topiary extends along the path in the form of three small nymphs. The trio are poised over a mirror-like pond and you can tell by their expressions that they are viewing something quite humorous. You also see a monk.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
The monk pats you on the back and says, "You did well in finishing your task. It must be hard work." Then she looks at you with a grin and winks. "I trust your sense of humor was in no way damaged?"
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from your brow.
Speaking to a monk, you say, "It was indeed."
The monk continues, "Well, Cholen is quite the prankster, but he also has a serious side and is a deadly foe. You would rue the day you were at the receiving end of his pale wood longbow."
Speaking to a monk, you say, "I think I made a poor lady gush."
You correct, "I mean blush."
The monk continues, "Now, it is inevitable when fighting the undead that you will be hurt and require healing. Cholen has shown his kindness and taught us how to salve some of the hurts that are sure to befall you in this great conflict. This power will not cure bleeding nor mend visible wounds, but it will restore some of your health to you."
The monk formally pronounces, "Now watch carefully and learn the Symbol of Restoration."
The monk traces an intricate symbol in the air which seems to glow brightly. The image intensifies and burns itself into your memory.
The monk continues, "By concentrating on this Symbol, you will be able to recover some of the health you have lost. Cholen does not grant this ability freely, and will expect favors from you."
The monk concludes ceremoniously, "You must continue to earn the favor of the Lords of Liabo by dedicating yourself to the Order's purposes. Consider carefully before you call upon their favor, for it must be carefully nurtured. Return when you are ready to take the next step along the Path to Enlightenment. Go now and continue your work."
!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: The Absolute Best Night of My Life
02/27/2018 05:01 PM CST
LOL It's even more hilarious now knowing that was you, Evarin! I'm flattered that I was able to make it into your record books :)
I so badly wanted to use the different laugh styles, but I'm pretty sure only vanilla laughs work for Cholen... it was killing me! I had a great time trying to come up with ways to convey Seo's shock though, lol.
/seo, wheels and skulls department/
I so badly wanted to use the different laugh styles, but I'm pretty sure only vanilla laughs work for Cholen... it was killing me! I had a great time trying to come up with ways to convey Seo's shock though, lol.
/seo, wheels and skulls department/
Re: The Absolute Best Night of My Life
02/27/2018 08:22 PM CST
That was a pretty hilarious read. I may have wheezed a bit.
Walsor Gryhm says, "Hmm, a most impressive weapon of note. I'll give you 16 silver coins for it."
You think to yourself, "This deal is getting worse all the time."
Walsor Gryhm says, "Hmm, a most impressive weapon of note. I'll give you 16 silver coins for it."
You think to yourself, "This deal is getting worse all the time."
Re: The Absolute Best Night of My Life
02/27/2018 08:45 PM CST
I accidentally left off this bit which kicked things off:
[Voln - Sindaras] "I am dumb and in need of aid. Who wants to laugh at me on the roof of some overrated building?"
[Voln - Seomanthe] "i always need a laugh"
[Voln - Sindaras] "Ooh I can deliver."
[Voln - Seomanthe] "I await the show!"
[Voln - Sindaras] "You just give me a minute to limber up and i'll be there."
Keep in mind, none of this was remotely planned in advance. Just good old fashioned tomfoolery.
!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
[Voln - Sindaras] "I am dumb and in need of aid. Who wants to laugh at me on the roof of some overrated building?"
[Voln - Seomanthe] "i always need a laugh"
[Voln - Sindaras] "Ooh I can deliver."
[Voln - Seomanthe] "I await the show!"
[Voln - Sindaras] "You just give me a minute to limber up and i'll be there."
Keep in mind, none of this was remotely planned in advance. Just good old fashioned tomfoolery.
!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"