A great Mentor and a good sport.... Durakar
04/27/2016 06:08 PM CDT
[Silverwood Manor, Courtyard]
A short wall of rough grey-blue stone lines the entire expanse of the courtyard. Leading towards the carved haon door of the manor, some short boxwood hedges line the flagstone path. Affixed to the wall of the rather imposing structure is a gilded plaque, and flowerbeds at the manor's base boast colorful batches of delphinium, dragonstalk, and bluebells. Partially hidden by a large fern is a donation bin. You also see a silver bell with a long silken rope and a framed chalkboard.
Obvious paths: out
>ring bell
You ring the doorbell.
The doorman pops his head out and glances at you. He grumbles, "Bother! I was expecting the milk man. Well, stay right there and one of the Mentors will be with you shortly. Make yourself comfortable, it could take them a few minutes to travel back to the manor from where they be at."
You feel at full magical power again.
You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
>;chat on merchant no, but I have a flaring hemorroid I can sell you :)
Clerac the doorman pops his head out and says, "Give them another moment please."
>;chat on merchant its the only flairing thing I have
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
Clerac the doorman pops his head out and says, "Mentor Durakar will be here shortly to assist you."
Durakar just arrived.
Speaking to you, Durakar asks, "Greetings and welcome, I am Durakar al'Yari of the Mentors. Is there some way I can help you today?"
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
You say, "Hello."
>'well, i was wondering....
You say, "Well, i was wondering...."
Durakar nods.
>where do I find the milkman? I need to place an order for daily delivery, but cannot seem to find him
Please rephrase that command.
>'where do I find the milkman? I need to place an order for daily delivery, but cannot seem to find him
You say, "Where do I find the milkman? I need to place an order for daily delivery, but cannot seem to find him."
Durakar peers quizzically at you.
>nod dur
You nod at Durakar.
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
Durakar says, "Can't say as I've ever been asked that before."
>'it is very important. I do not have time to go to the store so often, and my wife is home with the kids
You say, "It is very important. I do not have time to go to the store so often, and my wife is home with the kids."
Durakar says, "I'm at a loss as to what to tell you on that one."
>'the kids need the milk for strong bones and teeth
You say, "The kids need the milk for strong bones and teeth."
>'people said you Mentors knew how to do things and could direct me in how to live life here to the fullest.
You say, "People said you Mentors knew how to do things and could direct me in how to live life here to the fullest."
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
>'i am working three jobs just to make ends meet.
You say, "I am working three jobs just to make ends meet."
Durakar nods slowly.
>'I have to hunt, sell, and run the local bounties for the guild.
You say, "I have to hunt, sell, and run the local bounties for the guild."
Durakar says, "We're more here to help guide you through stumbling blocks as you begin, and continue, your adventuring life."
>'there are just so many hours in a day, so I was hoping to get the milkman to deliver for us
You say, "There are just so many hours in a day, so I was hoping to get the milkman to deliver for us."
Durakar exclaims, "Sounds like you have a pretty good start then!"
>'this is a major stumbling block
You say, "This is a major stumbling block."
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
>'without milk my children wont be healthy
You say, "Without milk my children wont be healthy."
Durakar asks, "I'm not aware of anyone that does a daily delivery of milk in Elanthia. Perhaps you should start that up as a business venture?"
Durakar chuckles.
>'wow! a fourth job!
You exclaim, "Wow! a fourth job!"
>'I thank you wise and powerful Mentor. May the Gods shine their light on you and your family!
You exclaim, "I thank you wise and powerful Mentor. May the Gods shine their light on you and your family!"
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
(OOC) Durakar's player whispers, "Is there anything game related I can help you with?"
>wh durakur hey btw
What were you referring to?
>wh durakar hey btw
You quietly whisper to Durakar, "Hey btw."
>wh ooc durakar when you ring the bell here, you get the message "The doorman pops his head out and glances at you. He grumbles, "Bother! I was expecting the milk man. Well, stay right there and one of the Mentors will be with you shortly. Make yourself comfortable, it could take them a few minutes to travel back to the manor from where they be at."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Durakar, "When you ring the bell here, you get the message "The doorman pops his head out and glances at you. He grumbles, "Bother! I was expecting the milk man. Well, stay right there and one of the Mentors will be with you shortly. Make yourself comfortable, it could take them a few minutes to travel back to the manor from where they be at."."
>wh durak thats where I got the idea
You quietly whisper to Durakar, "Thats where I got the idea."
Durakar nods.
You grin.
(OOC) Durakar's player whispers, "Never knew he said that. Interesting."
>'I thank you for your time!
You exclaim, "I thank you for your time!"
>bow dur
You bow to Durakar.
Durakar says, "Quite welcome."
Durakar waves.