wonder if the elemental drop treasure? 07/13/2015 06:46 AM CDT
what kind of treasure and please not say just gems.
Re: wonder if the elemental drop treasure? 07/13/2015 08:23 AM CDT
>what kind of treasure and please not say just gems.

Fear not! The answer is "gem and alchemical reagents".

Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
looking forward 07/13/2015 11:16 AM CDT
Can anyone give me a comparison for the creatures TDs to like level targets? Even if it isn't bard TD I'd like to know how it compares to say, Lost Souls or Crawlers or the Bowels.

I'm about 600k more experience out from being able to start this place... I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Re: looking forward 07/13/2015 11:56 AM CDT
The typical elemental will have about:

+460 AS
+335 CS
+350 Elemental TD (counting some defensive spells they have up)
+310 Spiritual TD

CS/TD are both on the low end of like-level creatures, but AS is fairly high and mostly ranged (so you get no Parry DS against them).
Re: looking forward 07/14/2015 07:20 AM CDT
>and mostly ranged (so you get no Parry DS against them)

Runestaff DS is halved rather than ignored.
Re: looking forward 07/14/2015 11:29 PM CDT
>Can anyone give me a comparison for the creatures TDs to like level targets? Even if it isn't bard TD I'd like to know how it compares to say, Lost Souls or Crawlers or the Bowels.

As someone else said, the TDs are ridiculously low. Something like almost 100 less than creatures in the Bowels for sorcery, as I recall. (Around 330s instead of near 420s as memory serves.)

Keep in mind, their AS being high isn't necessarily a bad thing. The more unlikely (and into impossible) chance to hit you means their dispelling aspect of an attack is more likely to go off.

Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: looking forward 07/15/2015 02:30 AM CDT
As a 2x shield use kinda fella I'm not too terribly worried about the bolt AS. If I'm on the ground in offensive I'll be in a lot of trouble, but that's a near universal statement for any hunting area. The TD was the main concern as lost souls really had me taken aback when I decided to stick my toes in there recently. Having hunting areas that aren't doable is part of the flow of things... but I wanted to know in advance if the confluence was going to fit that mold as well.

Thanks everyone.
