Someone's Awesome! 12/29/2014 04:54 AM CST
I'm not sure quite where else to put this, so I figured this was as good a place as any.

The other day, I got an email from Simutronics; it was a message that someone had given me a gift of adventure. There was no name on it, and it just said "Hugs!" I asked around among friends to find out who sent the hugs and the thoughtful gift, but either no one was telling or I just haven't asked the right person yet.

In lieu of being a pain to everyone with "Err, not to ask a silly question, but...," I'm going to just say thank you here. Huggy Player, you are a sweetheart, and I really appreciate the gift. Thank you so much for thinking of me, and forgive me for not having guessed you yet.

Hugs right back at you,

-- Lauren, Lylia's player