I'm recently returning to Gemstone after a ... roughly 13 year hiatus of outside life and am trying to get back into the community.
When I previously played we were still in Gemstone III and having infusing parties in the tower on Teras. I miss some of my old friends dearly and if anyone has kept contact with the players of Lord Kyrolyn (rogue), Kareese (empath), or Algrus (wizard), please tell them that the original Daerath (75-ish war cleric I believe was where I ended) says hello and that I hope they are doing well. So many nights we spent at the pub tables just hanging out and laughing (usually picking on Kareese), pausing for the occasional hunt of course. I just hope one day one or all of them decide to return as well.
The reason I returned to Gemstone is because of how welcoming and immersive the player-base is. The community really makes this game something special. I was rather shocked to see that between my glory days in the mid to late 90s until now the player-base has shrunk considerably, however after playing again for ~2 weeks now, I have come to realize that a lot of great people have stayed.
At first I was lost with some of the new implementations and I was quickly approached by a higher train wizard who was more than happy to take time out of her night to share some of the intricacies of our profession with me and bring me up to speed on some of what I have seen since then.
That's just one instance of kindness I have found recently, there have been multiple people whom have already helped me out beyond words, I even had one High Lord stop by a table I had been holding down for a few hours building up boxes at, and he popped nearly 50 boxes for me. I had nearly given up on finding someone to help and he sacrificed all of his time to help me out.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my appreciation (since none of them will take tips) and let the GMs and other players know that this game is still a haven for perfect fantasy adventure and I hope it continues for years and years. Thank you for all making this game what it is, and for allowing it to endure the decades to be one of the best mmo-rpg MUDs I've ever had the honor of playing.
If only I could convince a couple of my other friends that text-based games are equal or better than any graphical mmo out there. I'm working on recruiting three new players and encourage you to do the same! Lets grow Gemstone back to it's former glory! (I got my wife into it now as well!)
Now can we please have 2 character slots as a general subscriber! Haha! Just kidding.